Time for the GOP to focus on an agenda that is in the best - TopicsExpress


Time for the GOP to focus on an agenda that is in the best interest of this nation and its taxpayers and forget about being liked by the others! Watching Republicans run for the presidency is an exhausting crapshoot. When election day arrives, theres no there there. The voters who provide the margin of victory never get the Republican Party and its candidate into focus. Theres a hodgepodge of fine principles, but what is your party actually going to do if we let you run the country? The Entitlement State isnt a bumper sticker. It is a multi-trillion-dollar edifice of laws meticulously expanded for decades by Democrats in Congress. The Great Society wasnt a speech. Lyndon Johnson politicked it into existence. Republicans once did this, too. The Reagan tax cut of 1986 didnt pass because the Gipper gave grand speeches. It took years of legislative politicking to transform his ideas into law. Neither achievement happened without broad party agreement about the goal. ...the party hardly ever displays a critical mass around an idea that could become law, voters (and donors) never quite figure out what GOP stands for. online.wsj/news/articles/SB10001424052702304185104579435043031980808?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop&mg=reno64-wsj
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:40:01 +0000

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