Timothy James Quick - TopicsExpress


Timothy James Quick Quick 1 Some of the qualities a person or I look for in a best friend would be dependable, share the same interest with someone, and being open minded. One of the more important qualities I would look for in a person would be someone that is always dependable .Being dependable can fall into a couple things, such as being trust worthy, being honest, and being secure. Someone that is trust worthy would make the person better to understand and being able to trust them when things would Get out of hand. The one thing I had trouble was loyalty with people; since I usually didn’t take the time to get to know person before being able to trust them. One of the better qualities of being a best friend or having a best friend would not be lying; it’s one of the fastest ways to lose trust, so if a spot comes up its always better to tell the truth then lie to their best friend. They will always remember if you lied or told the truth. Another good quality is being able to be secure. Being mature is important for a person to act the right way when they are out in pubic around other people. It also helps them handle themselves when they are upset, and always seeks help when they need someone to talk to. Quick 2 One of the qualities think a person should have would be is having the same interest with their friend. This is important when looking for a best friend, since a person don’t want to meet someone that don’t like the same stuff they liked. Some of the interest that my best friend and I shared was going fishing, watching different kinds of movies, and going on walks. We would always enjoy going fishing in the early morning on a weekend. My friend and I knew so much about fishing this made our friendship special. He would not complain about getting dirty from the sand, or taking the fish off the hook. We set there having a good time. He and I liked many different kinds of movies, but our favorite would have to be horror movies. We would always sit in the dark watching the scary movies until we got scared enough to turn the lights back on. I would always make popcorn up when we had a movie night at my house. I went on walks with my best friend it gave us a chance to talk about the issues if we had any to each other without them leaving between us. Quick 3 The finally quality I would look for in a friend would be being open-minded. This would be important when looking for a best friend since they would always speak up to tell their friend when they are having a bad day or just need to talk to their best friend. It’s also lets them know that they are there for them when they need them the most. A person that is open-minded seeks out to make their life better then what they have now. This type of person always shoots for the best opportunities and always hopes for the best. They could also help their best friend out as well, and they also talk about new ideas for school or even life itself. The ones that are open-minded usually don’t spread the drama around school, or a work place environments. Quick 4 In conclusion, these were some of the qualities that I picked to make up my best friend. I shared interest that were based on my own experience with my best friend. I hope these qualities that I listed, and talk about will help people search for a new best friend.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 01:37:11 +0000

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