Timothy Tremblay commented 1 hour ago · Flag Obama and - TopicsExpress


Timothy Tremblay commented 1 hour ago · Flag Obama and administration along with the liberals are “Pro New World Order”. They will stonewall, Lie, Manipulate and Mangle our Constitution to further their plans to subjugate the world to it’s idea of what type of government we all need. There is only “ONE” who can save us from this heinous plot. Paul Faircloth commented 1 hour ago · Flag @sharon: I agree with what you say, however i am talking about this SECULAR SYSTEM that is in place. His kingdom will come and set things right, My problem is the church the body of believers have failed to recognize WE WERE PUT HERE TO TEND TO THE GARDEN! We have not, i have not i am guilty of not fighting the good fight. We reap what we sow by allowing this evil to take over! NO more will i stand by and let these trash bags destroy what is left, if the people would get busy then maybe, NORMALCY BIAS has ruled the lives long enough. And yes i am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that no one will ever take. Oh and i don’t follow Billy Graham or any other man for that purpose, i have the number to the direct hotline, respectivly, Paul Steve Harper commented 1 hour ago · Flag they may find marshal law a tough road to travel as AMERICANS are so well ARMED and so tired of the nigger ovomit’s bullshit Elaine DAmbrosio followed this page 1 hour ago Elaine DAmbrosio commented 1 hour ago · Flag I agree completely. Since in office he has been trying his best to divide this country. He is provocative in his attitude and actions towards the average citizen. It is as if he wants they to start something so he can just bring them down. This was all started when he was elected and has continued with one Executive privilege after another. And any kind of bills he can sneak in quietly, like HR347 which is an anti protest bill, it is made for certain conditions, but all the same it is basically taking away freedom of speech. And who knows how many other items that infringe upon the Constitution have been passed. We know that he is virtually trying to destroy the Constitution, particularly when people make comments that it is antiquated and out of date. Sharon Schraufnagel commented 1 hour ago · Flag Drea Mac, Check out FEMA CAMPS and you will know what is ahead.— Sharon Schraufnagel commented 1 hour ago · Flag Paul Faircloth, You ask, “How much more”? You also say the “system” cannot be prepared. For the answers to that, my friend, I look to God. God says, If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and PRAY and SEEK MY FACE, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14). God extends the promise to us who call upon His name and trust in His Son.Our nation needs healing now more than ever. We must ask God to save souls and bring revival. This November 7, Billy Graham’s 95th birthday, he, Billy Graham, will speak from his home with a clear message for America as to what America needs. It will be on Fox News, TBN, the internet and Christian networks. More than 22,000 churches have already signed up. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can bring lasting hope both in this life and eternity. Don’t wait for Congress when God is knocking at your door. Mark your calendars now. Prayer can do amazing things. Let’s have a “real” revival such is Billy Graham’s HOPE. La Lummus commented 2 hours ago · Flag Is anyone surprised! we got a jihad in the WH thinking he is Hitler. For sure he is doing all he can to provoke people and divide people the best he can. He wants his sweet little martial law so he can get to our guns. Well when he comes for them our guns will be no where to be found that is a promise he will never get them. Denim Franklin commented 2 hours ago · Flag Revelations 13 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Believe in Jesus Christ, give your heart and except salvation while you still can and you will not have to fear anything. Janet Wright commented 3 hours ago · Flag This is exactly what I have been saying all along. It is his (Obama’s) plan to antagonize Americans into revolt so that he can fire upon, imprison, and otherwise take away our freedom. America had better wake up and realize just exactly WHO is in the White House. Paul Faircloth commented 3 hours ago · Flag Hi Drea, First perfect love cast out fear, you can get that from the Creator. They are setting up a one world government, by consent or conquer. They are looking to push or as Cass Susstein likes to say nudge people into it. DO NOT FEAR THIS EVIL PEOPLE IN THE END THEY LOSE! Drea Mac commented 3 hours ago · Flag Ok, so I’m curious. What does this mean for us and society? Big picture!! Examples please. What I’m picturing in my head is scaring the hell out of me. Timothy Tremblay commented 3 hours ago · Flag What else can we expect with the “Son of Perdition” in the White House? Paul Faircloth commented 4 hours ago · Flag Listen i know how unpopular it is to be Cop today, I have ten years as a Deputy Sheriff and as a Police Officer. I was blackballed out, the same as we see going on in the Govt. I believe in the rule of law, that its there to protect society. There is a reason FOREIGN TROOPS are here training, you can figure that part out. Voting will not work, if you believe this, than sorry for you. The system is broken and cannot be repaired. I don’t have the answers, but i know there is no political solution to a spiritual problem. The time is long past to prepare in my opinion, but now is all we have. I wanted to help others in a positive manner but it seems those that do are weeded out. Stay alert! How much more people? How much? Annette Akerman commented 4 hours ago · Flag Oh, the govt has gone much farther than that. Check out the earthquake that occurred on Oct 8 in the Atlantic Ocean. 0vomit fired several generals over that one. If one wonders why, perhaps they should do some more researching. One site that had the information is not accessible. Anyone wonder why? Check these out: whatdoesitmean/index1714.htm or godlikeproductions/forum1/message2381461/pg1 and just check out seismic ocean blast Oct 8 2013. I think perhaps the incident was not supposed to happen 600 miles off shore, rather than not supposed to happen at all, and 0vomit had another of his hissy fits. Marygay Chaples commented 4 hours ago · Flag this man is right on target , there is no violence now and if they can create a issue so they can take over the goverment and that would mean a dictator our wonderful PRESIDENT OBAMA. if anyone doubts he is not a socialist ihas his head in the sand. that way they alll can stay in office and rape the public. Honeygirl49 commented 4 hours ago · Flag This is nothing that those of us who have had our eyes open have not seen coming for quite awhile. Go ahead, sheeple… keep on baa-uying into the lies that Obaaama is telling you. Now is the time to be ever vigilant. Refer from this to the story of Obaaama/SissyPants removing 9 high-ranking officers from their positions, to be replaced with his hand-picked sycophants. Put the pieces of the puzzle together; it’s NOT a pretty picture
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 00:43:53 +0000

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