Tip 8 - Practice Endurance Louise Parker Method We’ve five - TopicsExpress


Tip 8 - Practice Endurance Louise Parker Method We’ve five weeks to go until Christmas and there’s honestly so much you can achieve in that time. Whilst #FM90 is all about developing lifestyle habits that outline a thousand trends, I know that you want results. And results you will have – but you have to really practice all of the #FM90 Tips, day in day out. If you get your head down, and practice endurance, you still have time to drop a dress size. Achieving an amazing body is all about ENDURANCE. All of our programmes at Louise Parker are about finding a manageable pace, and sticking at it. You have to be consistent and stick at it. When you keep putting one foot in front of the other, you very quickly arrive at your goal. Once you’re at your goal, we can jog a bit, walk a bit, jog a bit. But for now, I just need you to keep jogging. There is no sprinting involved in our method. I suspect you’ll be reading this and feeling a bit underwhelmed by this weeks #FMTip. “But what can I actually do?” I hear you say. “Tell me what to eat to be thin” you think. I genuinely think that if you can really absorb and practice this one little tip, it will transform the way you operate around food and exercise forever and I hope that this will be last weight loss plan you need to engage in. I’ve said before that my method is all about consistency and not about severity. It’s the polar opposite of a plan such as the 5:2 which success hinges on the most severe type of dieting for just two days a week – and so severe it must be for those two days to negate the impact of the other five, where you’re advised to eat what you like. I’m just using this as an example and I’m delighted if you’ve found success with it – but what we have to look toward is the effect of what you chose to do, on your metabolism. People are often astounded and suspicious in equal measures when we report on the results we get at Louise Parker. It’s hard for people to believe that we routinely see a two dress size drop for women in 6 weeks, and men lose in excess of 15 kilos. The next question is ‘Am I allowed to eat real food?” as prospective clients just can’t understand how a result like that can be achieved with a sensible whole food diet and an exercise programme that doesn’t involve anything vaguely military. The reality is, it’s hugely sensible, and quite ‘normal’. Often clients report ‘Well this is pretty much what I eat anyway, so how will this work?”. If I had a pound for every time a client had said that to me (or even better a pound for each one they’d lost in weight) I’d have a Birkin in every colour. The reality is, the many ‘normal’ foods are what they eat, some of the time, but not consistently. What we do is settle you into a pace that is maintainable. If it were a jog, it’d be a 6/10 – you can definitely feel that you are working, but it’s not so grueling and difficult that you have to stop on every corner and catch your breath. The same applies to finding a Food Plan that works for you. All our plans are Food Plans and not “Diets” (which suggest a start date and end date) and in order to see a result that will impress you in good time, you do need to just plod away with it. Make it too tough, and you’ll be stealing sweets from children on the tube or eating double the amount at the weekend when it just all gets too much. If it’s not sustainable for you, it’s too strict. If it’s too weird and hard to do, it won’t last. If you hate the foods you are eating, it’s just too miserable – and you may end up skinny, but sulky and that’s no good either. With my method you can get into a really sound discipline of eating foods that work with your body to lean you out, boost your metabolism and give you the energy levels of a five year old. The workout method is time efficient and do-able and gives you the greatest return on your investment and the lifestyle tips are a doddle and make you feel amazing. These are all outlined to you in #FM90 over the past few weeks and there are a few more on their way to you. However – and this is important – they’re not grueling and they’re not held up by my trainers on your doorstep every other day, so it really, really needs to be consistent. The consistency of what you do will provide you with the most impressive result and will always win over severity. Find your pace and stick at it. I would spend an hour this week reading through the previous weeks entries on #FM90 and really commit- to paper- what you are taking on board. I suggest typing out your plan for the day, from the moment you wake up, to the time that you go to bed. It should involve your wake up time, the time you do your cardio, when you eat your breakfast and what you eat, all the way through to when your head touches the pillow – hopefully this side of 11pm. If you really commit to a plan that you stick to consistently on ‘school days’ – Monday to Friday, you’re very nearly there. Remember that if you’re trying to transform your body, it’s not good enough to pull on your fat pants at the weekend, pat yourself on your back and eat Haribo. You have to dig deeper than that, and as boring as it sounds, you need to practice the same principles at the weekend. Mix up the routine – eat different foods that perhaps take longer to prepare and invest more time in your workout routine. I think it makes good sense to do two ‘super sessions’ at the weekend so that you have two ‘lazy cards’ to pull during the week, when time is more limited. With my method, I need you moving and training five days a week, no less. Beautiful bodies are born from a good effort every single day. However, once you’re at goal you really can ease off a little – jog a bit, walk a bit, jog a bit. You’ll eat cheesecake again, when it’s worth it, and drink good wine. We’re simply ensuring you clean up the bits that really aren’t worth it – the automatic Tuesday night Pinot bought from Tesco’s Express and the morning latte on the way to the office. I hear so often ‘Oh that’s so boring, life’s too short’ and I couldn’t agree more. Life is short, make sure that you enjoy it in the best body you can, that will serve you for as many years as possible. It may sound ‘boring’ being consistent – but it really does mean that you get to goal QUICKLY and you can stop boring everyone – including your good self- about your weight and the next diet you’re about to embark on. So that’s the thought for the week – ENDURANCE. If you commit and practice what you set out to practice, day in, day out – regardless of what stress and chaos is hatching around you – you’ll get it. You’ll get a new way of operating and a body you’re genuinely proud of. The word ‘endurance’ implies that there is something painful to endure, perhaps. #FM90 shouldn’t be painful or awful or difficult. It should test your commitment from time to time – as does any method that delivers anything worth having. If that Birkin was only worth a fiver, I probably wouldn’t want it anyway. As you’re refreshing your plan this week as you commit to your daily plan, do think long and hard about what is not pleasurable to you – and then change it. Remember that what you eat and how you train needs to work for you as an individual – you simply have to enjoy the foods you eat and enjoy the way you challenge your body, or endurance will not win over you. Find a pace that you enjoy, at an intensity level you can sustain, and stick at it. It’s taken me years to learn this for myself and I could never quite hear it when I was advised the same. “Yes but, one last detox and THEN I’ll be sensible” and it just doesn’t work. Do yourself a favour and save a decade of dieting and just settle into a plan that you know you will still be doing when you are sixty. I promise, hand on heart, that it will still deliver you a result that will thank me for. Your skin will glow so bright that your friends will think you’re having an affair and your body will shrink and firm up beyond your wildest dreams. Find a perfect pace and go in pursuit of perfection – anything is possible.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 08:17:44 +0000

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