Tip of the Day – Parts of the Body : “Like acne on the face, - TopicsExpress


Tip of the Day – Parts of the Body : “Like acne on the face, acne on the chest and back occurs due to sebum and dead skin cells clogging the hair follicle. Even though chest and back acne develop the same way as acne on other areas of the body, there are many factors that cause people to break out on their back and chest. On e of the main causes of back and chest acne is irritation caused by prolonged pressure and friction by anything repeatedly rubbing on the skin, such as tight shirts and backpacks. Acne that id triggered by irritation on the skin is called acne mechanica. Back acne (coined by some as bacne) can also be a result of sweat. Sweat that is not washed off can mix with the natural oils and other toxins in the skin, causing pores to become clogged and irritated. Even the type of clothing can cause acne on the chest and back. Tight clothing does not allow the skin to breath and traps in sweat. Synthetic material such as lycra and polyester also trap in sweat. The sweat is then combined with the natural oils released by the body. This creates a film over the skin, causing the pores to clog and create whiteheads and blackheads. This is why it is better to avoid working out while using synthetic materials and better to wear cotton or material that allows the skin to breath. Hygiene is very important in order to prevent chest and back acne. It is very important to shower and cleanse the skin every time after working out. Sheets that are not washed regularly can also cause acne. Natural oils released by the skin and dirt are absorbed by the sheet and cause buildup over time. Dirty sheets and dirty clothes can transfer dirt and bacteria into the hair follicle, causing it to clog and become infected. Women that use makeup on their neck also more prone to chest acne. Makeup along with sweat can cause flare-ups in acne. The oil of the makeup along with the sebum that is secreted by the skin creates an excess of oil and therefore causes acne. To avoid this, try buying makeup products that are labeled as non-comedogenic. Items such as laundry detergent and body wash can also cause chest and back acne. For this reason, a fragrance-free and made for sensitive skin detergent should be used to wash clothes. When choosing a body wash, avid grainy body scrubs as they can irritate the skin and create blemishes. Pores on the back tend to also be larger than those on the face, therefore they release more oils. Cases of severe acne, such as nodules and cysts, are more common on the back because of the excess oils being released. C.Q.S” Visit our Teen Page sibellespa/teens.html for Tips, Treatments & Home Beauty Regimen
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 11:41:52 +0000

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