Tips for the boys..... How To Make A woman Fall In Love With - TopicsExpress


Tips for the boys..... How To Make A woman Fall In Love With You Getting a woman to like you is one thing, but getting her to fall in love with you is a whole new ball game. If you have that loving feeling for your lady and want to feel the love back, then you have to work on making her feel special, letting her recognize how amazing you are, and making the relationship grow strong over time. The important thing is to play your cards right and not to rush it. If you go about it the right way, then your woman will be falling for you before you know it. (1) Keep Things Light at the Beginning. Though you may be desperate for your woman to fall in love with you, you can’t try too hard, at first, or you’ll scare her off. You have to let things progress naturally and for your relationship to deepen before you even think about the love part. If you’ve only been together for a few weeks, or a month or two, then you should keep things light and fun, and avoid mentioning the “L” word, or it may not have the effect you’re hoping for. Work on charming her first, being playful, and having a fun and dynamic relationship, before you move into the deeper stuff. Of course, every relationship moves at its own pace. If you think you’re both really approaching love after a few months, then dive in! But make sure that you’re looking for love with this specific woman, not just love in general. If you open up too much in the beginning, then she won’t feel like she has to work to earn your trust. Make it a little harder to see your deeper side, and it’ll be worth it. (2) Let Her Know You think she’s Special. If you want the woman to fall in love with you, then she has to see why she’s so important to you. Without smothering her or freaking her out, you can let her see that you know she’s one of a kind and that she really means a lot to you. She can’t feel like just another girl you’re dating, can she? Here are some ways to let her know that you really like her and think she’s totally unique:Say something like, “I’ve never met someone like you before. You’re just so easy to talk to.” Tell her she’s not like other girls. Then let her know why. Be specific. Make an extra effort to do something special for her so that she feels special. If you keep having the same boring old dates, then she won’t feel like she stands out to you. (3) Be a Gentleman. Who says chivalry is dead? You don’t have to ride up on a horse to pick her up for a date, but you should make an effort to treat her like a lady. Part of being a gentleman is having stellar manners, and putting in the effort to treat people correctly. If you do this, then she will take notice, and will be on her way to falling for you. This doesn’t mean that you should act nothing like yourself and have to get all weird and formal, but it does mean that you should try a bit harder if you want her to keep caring for you. Here are some things any old gentleman can do: Give her your coat if she’s cold,Have proper table manners, Put her needs before your own when it comes to having the best seat, the last bite of food, etc (4) Show that You Care About Who She is. If you want a woman to genuinely fall in love with you, then you have to show her that you see her as more than just an object or a trophy to be won. You have to let her see that you actually care about who she is as a person, about what she wants, what her dreams are, and what her experiences have been. You shouldn’t interrogate her, but at the same time, you have to make an effort to know who she really is besides the fun-loving, beautiful woman you see in front of you. (5) Don’t Smother Her. If you want a woman to fall for you, then you can’t crowd her all the time. You can’t force a woman to fall in love with you, and the more you’re around and calling and texting her all the time, the less likely she is to really feel it. For the woman to really evaluate her feelings about you, she needs some distance and space to think about you. If you’re always around, asking what she’s up to, or telling her how amazing she is 24/7, that won’t speed up her feelings of love for you. If you let her know you care but give her space at the same time, then she’ll be much more likely to fall for you. (6) Impress Her with Your Independence. Having your own life and doing your own thing is related to not smothering the woman. If you want her to fall for you, then you have to make her see that you’re a person who is worth falling for, not just a puppy dog she can keep on a leash. Hang out with your guy friends. Spend some time training for a marathon, playing guitar, or pursuing your favorite hobby. Maintain a career that means something to you. The more happy you are on your own, the more the woman will want to be around you. Nobody wants a guy who wants to spend 300 hours a week in bed watching TV with them. People want partners who are dynamic and have their own hopes and dreams, while making time for their significant others.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:36:30 +0000

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