Tis the season to be thankful, and boy howdy do I have a lot to be - TopicsExpress


Tis the season to be thankful, and boy howdy do I have a lot to be thankful for. The last 12 months have been a wild ride. About this time last year, I had a job I really enjoyed, and I was making a decent amount (for Idaho, anyway). That job went away thanks to really petty management style, and I was unemployed just in time for Thanksgiving. Savings + odd jobs + help from the 2/116 FRG got me through the holidays. A collective thank you to everyone who helped during that time, especially to D CO and the 2/116. Cut to February, and networking pays off. An old friend (Chelly Cox) suggested looking into Tripwire. It wasnt ideal since it would require a cross-state move, but it seemed like something I would be good at. I put in my application, and several phone and one in-person interview later, I had an offer on the table. Rikki and I put together a plan, and I accepted the offer. Thank you to Tripwire as a whole for being an awesome company to work for (and Im not just saying that because of the TW folks I know are going to read this). The next leg of the journey was both exciting and frustrating, because since the family couldnt just up and move on a moments notice, and David was still finishing up Kindergarten, I moved to Portland while Rikki and David stayed in Caldwell. I still saw them for drill, and via Skype. A huge thank-you to Uncle Lee & Aunt Leslie who put up with me while simultaneously trying to sell the house. Rikki and I shopped for apartments, and eventually came up with a short list. Our first choice turned us down, which is probably for the best because several subsequent events brought their management teams competency into question. Thank you to the Spyglass management team for being fast, efficient, and friendly. David graduated from Kindergarten, and almost immediately afterwards we began the long trek back to Portland--our permanent move as Rikki put it to David. Boxes were loaded, Dad drove the truck, and we took the car. Finally, we had everyone under one roof, although I still had to travel back to Boise once a month for drill. Thank you to my family for being resilient and patient. Now we are settled into our apartment, David is excelling as a first grader (hes getting tested for TAG now), and my career here at Tripwire is shining brightly as my career in the military has come to an end. I am looking forward to what the next 12 months bring!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:56:25 +0000

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