Tmnt Quotes: Mikey: The Olympics! Don: No. Mikey: I got - TopicsExpress


Tmnt Quotes: Mikey: The Olympics! Don: No. Mikey: I got it! The Olympics! Don: stop guessing. Obviously its a Kraang symbol. Leo: but from where? Mikey: The Olympics! Don: QUIT IT! L, R, and M: (jump back frighteningly: Don: I have seen this before. If you all will just leave me alone so I CAN THINK!! L, R, and M: (back away, still staring at Don: Don: (looks at T-Phone, Metalhead, and mutagen container) Splinter: Oh, the Olympics? Don: For the hundredth time, I- (looks at Splinter) Ugh! I know where this is. I just cant remember! Splinter: You ate ninja, Donatello. You must calm your mind. (Breathes deeply) Breathe. Don: okay, okay. (Closes eyes and breathes deeply) Im cal- GOT IT! (Runs off) Splinter: ?? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ April: why would the Kraang want my dad? Don: He IS a scientist, you know. April: He studies rats running through a maze. (Looks at Splinter) no offense. Splinter: (nods) I like a good maze. ~*~~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Mikey: AWWWWH! Raph: (turns around quickly) Mikey: are you talking to your pet turtle? Raph: No! . . . Shut up! Mikey: thats adorable! Raph: Oh, Im gonna crush you! Mikey: ah! (Jumps over kitchen chair) Raph: (jumps over table and chases Mikey with wooden spoon) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Leo: Mikey, you said you could hold your breath? Mikey: Like a turtle do! (You have to watch the episode. It makes more since:/:/) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Raph: You new the Foot was watching! Leo: Not the Foot, Karai! (He has a crush on her;)) Raph: Karai IS the Foot -_- ~*~*~*~*~*~ Don: Why do you keep grabbing me by the face?! What is wrong with my face?! Raph: would you like it alphabetically order or in order from bad to worse? Don: T.T ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ April: its not about the spit, its about the DNA. Mikey: (blank) Don: DNA. Genetic code. You know, the building blocks of life? Mikey: (blank) Don: Okay, DNA is a genetic blueprint that tells ever living thing what to do and why am I still talking to you? Mikey: I dont know. Youd think Id learn in by now. ~* later*~ Leo: what are those things? Don: they look like theyre holding DNA from animals all over the world. Leo: what? Mikey: building blocks, dude! Pssh, Ill drop the science on ya later. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Karai: what happens when I do this? (Holds finger over mutation button) Raph: No! Leo: dont do that! Kraang: highly undesirable outcome. Karai: Well now I gotta. (Pushes button) (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN!) ~*~*~*~ Raph: take that octo-punk! Mikey: No, no! Call him: Octo-eyeball-jelly bug! (Sighs) eh, lets just call him Justin. %~*~*~*~*~*~ Allllllllllllllllll DOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEE!!!!!! :) you like? :):):):):):)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:48:34 +0000

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