To Those that Love Us. Things are going quite well since our last - TopicsExpress


To Those that Love Us. Things are going quite well since our last update. Karl finished his treatments on June 5th and is now over two months out and finally starting to feel well. In the past two months we have faced a lot of challenges but he is finally off the tube feeding and not getting sick almost every day. He gave up the morphine and quit tube feeding seven days ago. He is now completely off all meds and is eating approximately 3500 calories per day, trying to gain back some of the weight he lost. His moustache is growing back and he is looking GOOD. Actually, quite delicious in my opinion. We had 3 busy days this week. His cancer dentist says his teeth and gums are in really good shape after the chemo and radiation. On Tuesday we met with his radiologist oncologist and after a thorough examination and a scope through his nose and down his throat, he says Karl looks 100%. He had a CT scan after that and we will know after our holidays if his head and neck is cancer free. The CT scan will also let us know if the Non Hodgkins Lymphoma in his stomach nodes is still slow moving. Today he had blood work done and everything came back positive. After we get the news we will be able to move on with our lives. We were doing the happy dance yesterday, as it was so wonderful to receive such good news. We know we are not out of the woods yet, but we know we would not have been able to stay positive and strong without all the love and support that we received from so many. The prayers, the flowers and all the well wishes kept us strong and will continue to do so. Bless you all, and we will keep you posted after we return from holidays. xoxoxo
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 04:37:42 +0000

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