To Win the War on Consciousness.... There is a war on - TopicsExpress


To Win the War on Consciousness.... There is a war on Consciousness going on, on-going. The best way to win this war with the least amount of unnecessary casualty is by keep ascending your consciousness, your vibration, your frequency, your light quotient and etc....until the Enslavement System & The Enslavers and all minions are completely removed from power....and we are back in full-consciousness. What does ascending mean? Keep Ascending means: 1. Raise your consciousness, 2. Expand your awareness, 3. Raise your vibration, frequency, light quotient. 4. When there is more light on the planet, the light will expose hidden plans, depopulation plans, and many hideous actions of dark ones. 5. Many government corruptions, corporations corruptions, illusions & lies are being exposed by people. 6. People gain inner-strength to regain power. 7.Occult actions are showing up because there is more light=information being revealed. A lot of these information are given by Extraterrestrials & different Star Beings who know what really happened behind the curtain because of the advanced technology & inter-dimensional abilities. AND etc.... Many people are tired of living in deceptions, in lies, and in fear. They are willing to lose their life to obtain justice. They risk their life to challenge powerful & corrupted organizations such as The Vatican & The Roman Empire Catholic Church, The Jesuit & their assassins, The Queen & the 13 Controlling Families, and all those who want to control people & enslave the souls. These controllers are indirect-creators of many other religions behind closed doors. They have been funding both sides of wars, constantly promote wars among religions, promote wars in the name of protections from terrorists when they are the true terrorists, and steal people wealth & making people life more miserable. What you are witnessing happening around the world is direct result of the CLEAN UP process. The light is cleaning & clearing what would NOT be compatible with a much-higher-frequency planet=a Star Nation. This cleaning process involved casualty, both by nature events & by human-created events. Some souls agreed ahead to time to exit their body before their incarnations; others wanted to complete their ascension in a physical body. What we are seeking here is the PREVENTION of the mass-casualty intended by the dark ones=cabalists & their agents.... that the potential victims did not agree to exit. The cleaning/clearing process is the Divine Plan in actions. This is known as Divine Intervention. Earth is just one of the many planets current in the process of Ascension, but Earth is the MAIN EVENT. The best way to win this war with the least amount of unnecessary casualty is by keep keep ascending.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 13:20:14 +0000

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