To all my Facebook fiends. The residents of Binko Manor are - TopicsExpress


To all my Facebook fiends. The residents of Binko Manor are resisting the urge to turn on the air conditioner. Today is was over 80 degrees in Conway and inside our mansion it was a balmy 76. We had the windows open and the ceiling fan on downstairs. Upstairs the propellers on our box fans were torqued up to take-off speed for a C-130, and it was still hot. Sitting inside, my alleged wife and I sweltered. It was all we could do to resist turning on the cooling delights of our air conditioning unit. My alleged mother, thanks to her blood-thinner medicine, was happy as a lark. I almost treated myself to one of her pills just so I could get some relief. Right now, at midnight, Im sitting at the computer typing this pointless message in the hopes Ill soon collapse from fatigue. No, we didnt hunt for Easter eggs today. Personally, Let that silly rabbit hunt for his own eggs.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 05:07:46 +0000

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