To all my Law Enforcement Friends out there: I understand - TopicsExpress


To all my Law Enforcement Friends out there: I understand everyone is up in arms over the events in Ferguson, MO. But I beg of you, as law enforcement officers to protect yourselves and stop posting videos of people beating up other people, comments of what is wrong with everything, or any other comment that could be used against you in a court of law. I bring this up, not to stop you from your freedom of speech, but to protect you from yourselves. If you are involved in an incident with a suspect, and Lord forbid something go wrong and you have to use force to detain, or must actually pull your gun to defend yourself and that person is injured or killed, prosecutors, NAACP, personal injury lawyers, media and anyone else that can point the finger at you, will go directly to your Facebook pg, Twitter accounts, Instagram, Pinterest or any other internet site that you may have and they will use any post that you may have published to defame your name and demoralize you. They will rake you through the coals for any little off beat comment, remark, video you share or anything that they can find that could possibly say, this man or woman is a racist, bigot, homophobe(or any other distinction they can come up with) and he or she did damage to this person on purpose. If you are ever in the situation that you must defend yourself with your firearm, right after they secure the scene and gather evidence around the scene and eyewitness statements, the next thing they are going to do is head straight to your internet accounts and see what you post, share and like. I didnt post this to stir up controversy, but to remind all my officer friends that whether you like it or not you are always held to a higher standard, both in choice and action, so be careful with the choices you make.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 00:27:15 +0000

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