To ditch potential grooms Part 9 Back home a week - TopicsExpress


To ditch potential grooms Part 9 Back home a week later after some much needed solitary time, I was feeling revitalised and my usual self again. Walking into my house I was greeted by my mother who looked positively ecstatic to see me. She enveloped me in a huge hug and jokingly I said to her that I was only gone a week and I didnt leave the country so no need to get so emotional. She gave me that look that all mothers give their children when they say something obvious and said to me No matter how old you are or where in the world you go, you will always be my baby girl and I will always worry about you Shaz! I didnt expect my mother to get so sentimental, it threw me off guard. My father arrived shortly after that and his welcoming me home was as if I had not really left to start with. The scene on the home front calmed down considerably, life went back to normal. Just before finals of my grade 11 year I flipped out as I usually did before a huge exam. I was not concerned about passing, as that was never an issue for me. I was more concerned with how good a pass I will be receiving. Grades played a vital role in my life and I placed very high expectations on myself. The only problem with me was I was a procrastinator. I could never study weeks in advance as hard as I tried. I put it off to the very last minute and usually studied a day or two before a paper. Ani phoned me to wish me luck although she claimed I never really needed that. I missed Ani but I was getting accustomed to not having her around anymore. Faiza and I were becoming closer by the day. In a way, she became Anis substitute to me. We walked to and from school together and often discussed homework and the upcoming exams. Fai was much more studious than I was though and to be honest I was slightly daunted by that. She was the ultimate nerd. Tall and gangly, fair, thick black rimmed glasses, hair severely scraped back and braided tightly so that no tendrils could escape. For all here seriousness though, I sensed there was a carefree side to Fai and I was determined to unleash that. Exams were over and I was elated. I could have saved myself a lot of worry as my results had proven to be excellent. I was also told by my form teacher that I was to be the recipient of two subject awards. Arriving home to give the news to my parents, I walked in to a house that was like a battlefield. My mom was standing hands on hips and shouting her little head off whilst my father was on the opposite doing a fair bit of damage to his lungs too. My eldest brother looked a trifle out of sorts as he seemed to be incurring the wrath of both my parents, just then I spotted my uncle who was standing silently in the corner observing the entire scene. I pondered to myself and knew that something serious must have occurred for my father to be home from work and to have my uncle present. Whatever the case may have been, I was just happy that this drama filled scenario seemed to have been created by somebody else for once. To be continued...
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 16:20:37 +0000

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