...To explore [the relationship between wealth and narcissism] - TopicsExpress


...To explore [the relationship between wealth and narcissism] further, the researchers also asked the college students in one experiment to report the educational attainment and annual income of their parents. Those with more highly educated and wealthier parents remained higher in their self-reported entitlement and narcissistic characteristics. “That would suggest that it’s not just [that] people who feel entitled are more likely to become wealthy,” says [psychologist Paul] Piff. Wealth, in other words, may breed narcissistic tendencies — and wealthy people justify their excess by convincing themselves that they are more deserving of it. For some reason, both Time magazine and an academic psychologist were surprised by this result, with Time’s Maia Szalavitz referring to “the conventional wisdom that the more people have, the more they appreciate their obligations to give back to others,” and the psychologist referring to “this idea” that I don’t think is as prevalent as he suggests: “There’s this idea that the more you have, the less entitled and more grateful you feel— and the less you have, the more you feel you deserve. That’s not what we find,” says author Paul Piff, a psychologist at the University of California in Berkeley. Where’s this idea? Which country and era have you guys been living in? The rich: They think they deserve it and you don’t. Rich people basically say this out loud, in public, constantly, these days. Meanwhile! Business Insider, in one of its “ONE CHART” posts, posts ONE CHART showing how wealth perpetuates itself. The chart comes from economist Miles Corak, and it shows “the likelihood that a son at some point in their life works for the same firm that their father once worked for across various income levels.” You will likely not be shocked to learn that the chart is basically a straight line until you get to the top-most earning percentile, at which point it jumps to a very high number. The chart covers Canada and Denmark, and Canada has much more nepotism than Denmark. I think it would be reasonable to infer that the U.S. is more like Canada than Denmark... salon/2013/08/21/the_rich_summed_up_nepotism_cronyism_narcissism/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 04:38:01 +0000

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