To my family, friends, colleges, associates, people Ive met once - TopicsExpress


To my family, friends, colleges, associates, people Ive met once or people I see several times a day, week, month, occasionally, who knows. There is a perfectly good explanation why I have not been online, chatted, just even a hello to all. To my family, friends, colleges, associates, people Ive met once or people I see several times a day, week, month, occasionally, who knows. There is a perfectly good explanation why I have not been online, chatted, just even a hello to all. I guess that would go for the last few weeks. I am Wolf, canine, hunter, teacher, protector but today I wasnt there to protect my brother Micheal. Micheal, the strong one. Not but a year or two older then me but still a good man to the heart, wise beyond his few short years. Although we, as brothers, never met. I have only recently, appox. 3 yrs, found this part of my lost family. Although we have never met there is something, an unspoken feeling or bond if you will, between Micheal and I. The loss of him has touched me in a way I am unsure, nor even care at times, about places and people around me. Keeping friends, family, even strangers, keeping all at bay and just out of their reach. Searching but then yet not caring about who or what Im looking for. Thinking deep, deep inside that theres an answer to all, to everything...Famine...Greed...Taxes and even Death... Ive stared Death straight into his dark, hallow eyes looking as if to say,Sorry but its nothing personal. Just doin ma job bro. That works for other people but loosing a father, mother, brother, sister or any of your many relatives, close or not. The loss of a child is far and between nothing like I formerly mentioned. That is a wound that never heals. The loss, the pain, the void, no rhyme nor reason for this, or even for anything. All that seems to come from our mouth, flowing like the rapids of an anger river, are unquenchable, insensible, words. So deadly, so hateful, so inhuman like... They never stop to think of the repercussions that come with their choice of words, so hateful, so ... final... We have all been guilty of this quick snap to judgement and allow ourselves to be blinded by our pain and grief. Then one finds themselves paralyzed, a numbness if you will, flowing over us. Unable to speak for there are no words. Unable to see but only shadows. Unable to walk for we know not where to go. Unable to breath for there is no air. Unable, or mostly, unwilling to except what is right before our eyes...denial, Denial, DENIAL!!! I was there all of this day my people. All of this day not knowing the why or the how I was struck in such a way as I was for Micheal. So this, I say to you from the depths of my heart, my very being of existence, that I love you all, each and everyone of you. I know me darlin, me mate, me lovely wife is very happy of these words I have written. My one wish of this day is that she be by me side. Even though there are hundreds of miles, thousands even, between us we know that we are with each other in spirit, in our thoughts, in our hearts. So never, ever, miss that chance, the one brief moment, no matter how insignificant you might think, to tell someone, even that special someone, I love you. BY reading this I fee your thoughts, hopes and prayers flowing over me and my family and to all of you I sing a special blessing to The Grand Fathers for you and your families... May your journeys be always well lit, clear and bright. May Mother Earth always provide for you. May the Grand Fathers and My Wolves guide you and protect you along your journeys. May The Creator bless you and keep you warm and safe. These blessings I say to you, from my heart, for sharing but a piece of yours. Take care my people and be well....AHO!!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:26:56 +0000

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