To say that “Oil is in your blood,” Is an understatement to a - TopicsExpress


To say that “Oil is in your blood,” Is an understatement to a roughneck. Climbing the rig, with dirt on your face, feeling that slight breeze as you step just one foot higher, is a constant reminder of the love you have for the blood in the ground, and for your com rads who surround you. You take in a deep breath. Breathing the sweet air, tainted with a hint of grime that tastes like freedom and independence. The rapid sound of repetitive machinery is a constant reminder, that everything is functioning properly, ensuring that every step higher is one closer to going home safely. It is true that a person can become comfortable in their job, find the chore of work to be tedious and boring. However, in the world of oil, your job is considered an environment rather than work. Even the lowest man on the totem pole has earned a small amount of respect, some may tease or push him harder then others. Its just a form of grooming, or breaking them into an unforgiving industry. An industry where mistakes are never an option, for with failure and mistakes comes loss of work, loss of money, and loss of life. Oil is a sense of family, like blood it binds men and women together in an unconventional way. You may not like the man working beside you, but you respect him. You value his opinion, his choices, and his life just as he does yours. More hours, days, months, and in some cases years, are spent with your crew on a rig then you will ever spend with your family at home. You learn to love their personalities, cultures, and lifestyles. Oil knows no color, it accepts any who will pump it, love it, and respect it. It forms a brotherhood between hands that is unlike any other. Different companies, jobs, and responsabilities all combine into one location. From on top the derrick, it looks like a city below. People interact with each other like little ants, all working to accomplish one goal... oil. White, blue, and green, hard hats color the landscape as you stand tall aboard a blood pumping operation, as if it were hard soil. Comfortable, in your shoes, and more comfortable in the steel platform that stands sturdy and tall underneath your feet, you do your job. Oil is a lifestyle, a love, a harmonious friendship between you and mother earth. Unbreakable by any sole person, government, or entity. It may scare you sometimes, test your strength, or bend your judgment. However, oil is in your blood, and to it, you will always stay true. From on top the derrick, to the ground on which it stands, when you dig below the surface and bring energy out, you are part of something bigger then yourself. The love for oil in a roughneck is like love for family. It never fails.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 23:44:02 +0000

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