To some up myself and my general perspective on life to those that - TopicsExpress


To some up myself and my general perspective on life to those that care enough to read this - Basically, all people are a product of their environment and experiences, and to some degree, that includes me. But for most people (anywhere in the world), they are actually molded by their families, their teachers and their culture. However, not me. Ive (generally being forced to look at things alternatively), risen above this and I can now understand how I also was a product of these influences. And as long as that continues to work for you - you never consider anything else. You think, yes, of course this is the best system and best way - or religion - because it works for you. You only ever doubt it (from a fundamental perspective), if for some reason, it begins to not work for you anymore. I mean, I get it about America. I was raised there, and I lived there a long time. I had a business there (a few), worked in Hollywood; etc. And I lived in the East, Southeast, and S. Cal. I understand why the right thinks the way they do, as well as the left. And I can more easily see the propaganda being someone who has (for some time now) been removed from these influences. Then I was also never really a settle down - married with kids type of guy, and I didnt even realize this until my 40s (and again, this is probably because I never was part of any kind of a group, or club - and I never wanted to be - or most importantly - never needed to be). I was always just fine being me, and I was always my own best friend. But despite being marginalized in some ways by society, I was also successful enough and smart enough to have a legitimate business at a young age The American dream, then to get to the point where I could clearly see the hypocrisy of that. Then I was also unlucky enough and so then resourceful enough to extensively explore different environments and different cultures. I dont need to spend 50 years in one culture in order to fully understand it. So my perspective is of course going to be different than most people (who live all their lives in one environment and one culture - and so they can only truly understand one perspective), since Ive had experiences most people never have - to be honest, most people dont live long enough for that. I think my view is as worldly and as modern, and as objective as it can be, and certainly much more so than others. Also, people my age think more, because we actually have a larger working knowledge base. Young people who are a product of the information age, dont bother to research information because they figure they dont need to store it in their heads, since its all right there on the internet. So generally, their ideals are a product of their working knowledge (as anyones is) - but in their case - ignorance - which ironically is now driving civilization backwards toward another dark ages, and its making people even more vulnerable to all forms of brain-washing. I can also better see this as someone on the outside looking in. I am not only capable (probably more than others) of looking at things from a unique perspective, but my life has also uniquely forced me to do this much more than I would otherwise have chosen to do.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 07:47:44 +0000

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