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To view this as a web page, click here Tea Party News Urgent Message for Tea Party Members Something serious has happened and I need your help Dear Fellow Patriot, Our country is in trouble. We need you. President Obama and the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington care more about power, wealth and their own selfish desires than they do about our country and its citizens. The Washington Establishment has created the worst recession since the Great Depression ... cut $700 Billion from Medicare under Obamacare ... destroyed our privacy rights by spying on every phone call, email and fax communication ... endangered our Constitutional rights under the First, Second, Fourth, and other amendments...and much more. Theyve even threatened to nationalize whole industries by Executive Order alone. And theres something else. On Friday, March 16, 2012 America ceased being a Republic and became a dictatorship in one swipe of a pen. That dark day Obama committed the boldest assault on America since the Revolutionary War—while Americans werent looking. Barack Hussein Obama quietly gave himself the power to impose Martial Law, bypassing both the Constitution and Congress through Executive Order. Executive Order No. 13603—Obamas National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order—gives Barack Hussein Obama unprecedented power to bring about socialism in America and create a regime so powerful, so vile, it is Soviet-like in nature. Martial Law can and will happen whenever he chooses. It may happen one fateful night while we sleep—he can manufacture a crisis to make it happen. And when it does, we will find ourselves waking up to a complete police state and news that Obama has declared himself supreme dictator over all the land. This is very serious my fellow Patriot. How can we stop this power grab destined to tear the heart out of America, leaving us with little but the clothes on our backs? For starters, Im writing to urge you to donate today so we can DERAIL OBAMAS EXECUTIVE ORDER TO IMPLEMENT MARTIAL LAW! As a full-fledged, active member of the Tea Party I fully support this movement. Please, theres no time to wait. Please make a contribution to the Tea Party in support of their efforts to fight government tyranny. The Tea Party represents the best, perhaps the only, hope for our nation. We have to stand up and fight this shocking power grab. If we do not, were destined for Martial Law. Obamas Executive Order National Defense Preparedness No. 13603 gives Obama a free pass to unrestricted, unprecedented power held only by those deemed dictator. This Executive Order allows Obama to hijack our country, run roughshod over Congress and stick it to Patriots. Its a frightening abuse of power that must be stopped—thats why we need you to support the Tea Party with a donation without delay. This is a violent assault on our personal liberty, privacy rights and the rule-of-law. Id like to give you a few examples of what this means to you, to me, our children, grandchildren and loved ones. With the stroke of his pen Obama gave himself the power to: ✔ Bailout any person or company he wants ✔ Break existing labor contracts ✔ Cut back health care for citizens ✔ Fix food prices ✔ Force the production of electric cars ✔ Halt consumer production and replace it with government work ✔ Increase airfares ✔ Raise gas prices to any level ✔ Reduce our pay and dictate pay scales to employers Theres so much more, too. Dont you see? This is Obamas communist utopia—the dreams of his father. Those dreams were meant to kill capitalism, create a society of fair share and income equality no matter whether or not you are deserving of it or whether you earned it. Patriots, this is oppression at its worst. If you want to know whats driving this madness just look to Obamas shady past Obama grew up with a deep-seated hatred of America and everything she stands for. His mentors were Bill Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis—known extremists and terrorists. Think of his support for the Muslim Brotherhood and his continued reverence to terrorists. Please, help stop this madness, this stranglehold of injustice, this living nightmare. Donate now to DERAIL OBAMAS EXECUTIVE ORDER TO IMPLEMENT MARTIAL LAW. Were up against a mighty force thats bigger than all of us. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court handed down a decision in 1983 that states Congress cannot pass a law that rescinds a Presidential Executive Order, we can still stop Obamas plan to takeover America and fundamentally transform our country into a socialist state. There is another way for Congress to crush this thing Congress can vote to refuse Obama the money to implement his diabolical plan and fulfill his desire for complete and utter tyranny. With your donation we can DERAIL OBAMAS NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 13603. Together we can stop Obamas communist takeover of America. Theres no time to waste. Anti-Americans in the Middle East and Latin America are getting ready to pour into our country in droves, run rampant and lawlessly through our backyards. I have watched in shock and disgust as Obama has decimated our military—taken out the highest ranking generals and officers, drastically cut their pay, benefits and the Pentagon budget. Hes replacing our militarys finest with his own loyalists—those who plan to pry our guns from our cold dead hands. With his actions in his second term he has indeed weakened America and is purposefully making us vulnerable to attack. Hes conducting psychological warfare on US citizens and our military as he demoralizes and degrades them, leading society into thinking the situation is so overwhelming we just tune out—and many are doing just that. It is up to us—you and me—true red-blooded Americans—to unite and let our voices ring out loud and clear. Obama already has the support of elites in the boardrooms and union shops, within activist groups and on Wall Street. Theyre ready to seize control and strip our country of any remaining assets. I cannot stress enough how important it is that as Patriots we band together, rise up and push back with all our might...fight like never before. As God is my witness, the Tea Party is the only group with Americas best interests at heart—the only group that still believes in our fundamental freedoms as set forth in the Constitution. With your contribution we can DERAIL OBAMAS PLANS TO RADICALIZE AMERICA youre demonstrating the greatest allegiance in the history of America, showing your true Patriot colors, and your willingness to stand and fight to take her back We must do this. Obamas power grab is unprecedented, unconstitutional and illegal. We have to stop him, get ahead of him, before he sees the writing on the wall and unleashes his wrath on our nation. You know all too well that we cannot count on liberals or the mainstream media. Its up to us. May I share some sensitive information with you? This weeks deadline is our biggest yet, and need you to pitch in or else... The Tea Party cannot continue their efforts. Its a lot, I know. But the Tea Party does not solicit donations from super PACs or deep-pocketed lobbyists and this is too important. Reality is, this is huge—taking on the president in this manner. I have no idea what kind of roadblocks or obstacles theyll throw in our path or what kind of bullets well have to dodge. I do know whatever happens it will be worth it knowing we succeeded in making sure Obama never unleashes his stolen powers. Dont delay! Time is running out and we must act now. With your donation we can mobilize millions of Americans at marches, rallies, protests and demonstrations. Whats more, we can get the word out through massive letters, emails, faxes and call campaigns. I have been active in the Tea Party for years. I strongly urge you to help save our nation now with your best possible gift. There is too much at stake to delay. We are marching toward Martial law. Please respond quickly. The future of America depends upon your support. Please believe that The Tea Party exists because you, the people of America, have spoken and we will not rest in our efforts to turn back the undemocratic, unconstitutional power grab being made by socialist, Barack Hussein Obama. When The Tea Party speaks, whether they like it or not, Congress listens. Your support is vitally important. Patriots and friends, theres no time to wait or it will be too late. To Americas future and our freedom, Steve Eichler CEO Tea Party P.S. - Please help us intensify our fight TO DERAIL OBAMA’S MARTIAL LAW EXECUTIVE ORDER today. Be sure to make a contribution to support the Tea Party.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:48:09 +0000

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