Today,30 June 2013 Sunday-first day of trekking,I have started my - TopicsExpress


Today,30 June 2013 Sunday-first day of trekking,I have started my 10 DAYS ANNAPURNA TREKKING TOUR. And its only me and my guide BHIM.On my 1 DAY of ANNAPURNA TREKKING we started from Pokhara and after 45 min in the car came to Naya Pul.Our first stop was Tirkhedunga (1,540m).But to get to it we had to pass Birethanty,Mathathanty,Ramghai,Hille,Tighedhunga.We followed river Bhurunedi Khola.We had lunch at Hille for 45 min were also I had traditional Nepalese meal called Dal bhat.It is the mix of rice with lentils and potatoes,tortilla and carrots.You can also have chicken with it.But interesting thing is that after you mix lentils with rice you have to eat this with your hands.The meal was very healthy and great.Then we pushed on and Ulleri,Banthanti,Mangethanti and then we had stopover at Ghorepani (2,750m) for a night.So we did today 2 days trekking in 1 day and total time trekking was 8 hours.Hard work haha.The scenery was great with many waterfalls,trees and bridges.While crossing one of the streams I was attacked by small leaches(twice),so they sucked some of the mine blood haha.It was great day trekking.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 07:45:11 +0000

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