Today I will share with you anover-come-able communication barrier - TopicsExpress


Today I will share with you anover-come-able communication barrier between men and women of which I discovered: When most girls say that they like or dislike most things, men are mentally programmed to try to interpret this communication, many times, as being without due limitation. For example: - When a woman says that she likes muscular men, do not try to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was Mr. Universe; she probably doesnt want a balloon animal for a boyfriend. -When a woman says that she likes smart men, do not try to impress her with your seemingly limitless knowledge and understanding of various scientific discoveries from a series of scientific categories (trust me). Your knowledge may be limitless but, to her, so are your tirades. -When a woman expresses that she doesnt like players, dont act like Carlton Banks mixed with a butler(unless youre being funny and only for a moment--actually, please do, but for the sake of this post...). Chivalry is one thing and so is respect, but most people tend to wipe their feet on doormats, not date them. - When a female says that she is a feminist, she is probably just proud to be female and supports equality; this is not a synonym for gay or hateful. - When a female says she doesnt like men that are too clingy--this ones a little different than the others--DONT BE CLINGY, but also, dont completely ignore her. - When a female says that she likes having male friends it does not mean that she is a promiscuous swinger who is with a current partner every time she is with another male. This is one that most guys REALLY need to get over. There are many many more I could share but I dont have time to currently. If you want to read more, let me know. As a disclaimer, this is true with MOST people in MANY situations. How do I know these things considering that Im not a female? My credentials are at the bottom. Marshall Williams Fairly smart guy who truly listens to his female friends but doesnt always do what hes learned from listening so hes also learned other ways too. :)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 23:29:46 +0000

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