Today Ive looked at the media , ref to cannabis and reefer - TopicsExpress


Today Ive looked at the media , ref to cannabis and reefer madness, the so called yellow journalism, has tamed down a little, yet it is still lingering like a bad smell in the air, yep I can see it, the wafting as usual down the skank dank , and around the Daily mail offices, mixed in with the stale smell of booze and do we see, the sparkle of a numb Chrystal, waving at you from the shag pile carpet., Yep I can imagine the echos of Harry J Anslingers ghost flip flopping every time it hears the standard lies, of cannabis hurting people, laughing at the misery it still causes, keeps people way from a very health giving plant, and for a curative plant, we are asked to believe a lot of propaganda, but we do, and unquestionably, as that is how the misinformation works. Repeat a lie long enough people will believe it! The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. Cannabis may make you mentally ill,....... Repeat a lie long enough people will believe it! It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success. If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. Professor Les Iversen took over from Prof David Nutt because of Media lies,( when cannabis was regraded , wrongly to class B, ) yet it is ignored, and David was made to look a liar. Repeat a lie long enough people will believe it! The funny part is that Les Iversen, has wrote pro cannabis books. Yet I still get locked away! With the Judges believing that the is no medical use to cannabis? As I say .... Repeat a lie long enough people will believe it! Talk about cognitive dissonance for the elite wig wearers, Yet the rules simply stated, that there is no medical value to cannabis... Despite I had a report from a specialist that worked on Sativex and said that cannabis was better for me than Sativex, the rest is history, and my living nightmare, was getting physically worrst in prison, and thanks to unjust laws, that I could end up in them with a Judge saying No medical evidence Well Judge listen to Midi Intellect as this is a public statement...posted below, and thank you to all the people, still fighting to keep people like myself out of prison... You couldnt make this scenario up, almost like the aliens are taking over the Earth and this plant is the cure....and the Tories are looking like a bunch of bullying Daleks in this,,,,,,And who is Doctor Who? .....I will add with the Dr connection,as we need a Dr to be able to stand up and say the truth , without all the fears of being demonized or worst. And remember the moral of this waffle..... Repeat a lie long enough people will believe it! Repeat a lie long enough people will believe it! Repeat a lie long enough people will believe it! and .............................................................
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:09:14 +0000

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