Today, Sarah and I begin the next chapter in our lives. For those - TopicsExpress


Today, Sarah and I begin the next chapter in our lives. For those of you who might not have heard, Ive accepted the position of Marketing Director for Christ Church (Anglican) in Plano, Texas. That means a move for Sarah and me back to the area where she was born, and the state I called my home for 20+ years. It seems I came back in Shreveport just long enough to put down roots, make all sorts of new friends, and get reacquainted with some old ones once. And Its been a long, strange trip. When I left Shreveport the first time, I was in my 20s. It was a Brave New World out there, and for the first time in my life, my job and my identity were to be two different things. Up until I moved away, when someone asked what do you do (for a living)? Id answer Im a musician. It was true. During the day, I taught music lessons. At night, I played gigs. I worked as a musician, and I was a musician – it was both my job and my identity. Then I became a Field Applications Trainer for the Ames Division of Miles Labs. Suddenly, I could no longer answer that question the same way. I was a trainer, or an employee of a large corporation. But my self-identity had changed forever. Oh, sure, I was still a musician. But my job and my identity were now two different things. Eventually, I moved to Texas, bouncing around Granbury and Fort Worth until I landed in Dallas. Worked for Mark Cuban before he was a sports guy (and before he became fabulously wealthy). Got in at the birth of the personal computer era, right when they went from toys and hobbies to real business tools, and, more importantly, tools for graphic designers. I helped create and market some really cool software for artists and graphics guys. Eventually, I went off on my own, starting a design agency that morphed into a full-blown ad agency. One wife and one child later, I saw the market crater, and along with it, my business (kinda hard to survive when all your customers suddenly go belly-up). So I wrote a couple of technical books and tried to figure out how to save my marriage. That required a move to Amarillo, the only place I know of in Texas I never want to live again. Dont get me wrong. Its still Texas. But theres no THERE, there. When my dads health began to fail, I came back to Shreveport. Didnt mean to stay. Actually, I wanted to take him back to Amarillo and take care of him there. My wife had other ideas. So I stayed in Shreveport, got divorced, ended up with custody of my daughter (God is good!) and started to settle in, so she could have some stability and continuity in her life. You have to understand, I really love Texas. Ill always be from Louisiana, but Texas has a gravitational pull on me I cant deny. For years, Id meant to move back, but one thing after another held me here. Until it didnt. Frankly, Id just gotten to the point where I was letting go of that dream, telling God, Okay...if this is where you want me, Ill be content to stay. Which is evidently the magic words to get to the next step in Gods plan for your life. Almost immediately, God opened some doors for me I didnt even know were there, and in an instant, I went from Shreveport freelancer to gotta find a place to live, move, and get started at my new job. Sarah is probably even happier about this than I am. Shell be in a new school, with the opportunity to be a part of starting traditions. Shell be a part of the first graduating class at the school - thats really cool. And shes already making friends over there. Shes amazing. As for me, I hope to get some opportunities to play over there, for actual money...opportunities that were sadly lacking in a place that should be lousy with live music. I love playing. But I dont relish the idea that seems to have taken hold here, that I should be willing to play for free. I also hope to get involved in some live theatre over there. One of the things Ill miss the most about Shreveport is the Shreveport Little Theatre and all the friends Ive made in the theatre community. Then theres my church family here. All Saints Reformed Episcopal Church IS my family. That church has meant the world to me, and Im sorry to have to leave it. When things start falling into place, and it becomes obvious that God has other plans for you, I learned a long time ago, ignore what God wants for you at your own peril. So Im off to a new adventure. Ill be back in Shreveport a lot, Im sure, since I still have things going on here to deal with. But to all my friends here, youll have to come visit me over in the Metroplex for the most part. Its been interesting coming back here. Ive learned a lot. Ive experienced a lot. But now its time to go. Please keep Sarah and me in your prayers. See ya in the funny papers...
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 07:37:32 +0000

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