Today is 6 weeks since my sweet hubby fell and broke his back in - TopicsExpress


Today is 6 weeks since my sweet hubby fell and broke his back in two places while also managing to crack his tale bone in the process. Wow... 6 weeks already! We are in such awe... This post has been strangely hard for me to find the words to write. So many dear friends have been asking for an update and while i am so excited to share the wonderful news and testimony, it is also somewhat hard for me right now given all of the recent loss and tragedy in our community. My heart is so heavy for the losses, yet so full and over whelmed by the miracles we are personally seeing transpire in our home. I dont understand why things happen the way they do. We had 2 funerals to attend on the same night last week. My heart was broken for the families and friends. Precious friends are experiencing such deep loss, loved ones are battling devastating physical illnesses, friends are fighting for their very lives. I dont know why God allows what he does. We live in a world of chaos. Yet it is a world filled with serene beauty. So many have such abundance, while so many go without. The juxtaposition of good and bad, hard and soft, beautiful and ugly, just over loads my carnal mind. I want to share that my husband is fine. He is better than fine, he is great! He is healing, actually, he is doing amazing! I want to shout it from the roof tops! But i somehow feel bad for that. I know that i shouldnt. I know that all of this is ONLY by the grace of God. And please dont get me wrong... I am not complaining. Not one single bit. I am so grateful. So. Incredibly. Grateful. This has just been making me look at life so differently. The Good kind of different. The truth is we just dont know what the future holds. and if i have learned anything through all of this, it is to appreciate what i have . Every. single. thing. Every single detail. .. every life. .. every breath. ..every relationship. .. every moment. Every hello and every good bye. To strive to live fuller, deeper, richer lives. To appreciate the small, seemingly insignificant things. Like being able to bend over & put on your own socks and shoes! Or even just go for a jog. To be very present. In the moment. To kiss my beautiful man when he enters the room... Like for real. Like it might be my last. To be a better wife and help mate. To be a better mom, a better daughter, sister, teacher, friend, pastor, mentor and a better listener. I could go on and on... I know this is long and you probably just want to know what the doctor said. ... so, if you are still reading. .. Adam Is wonderful. His doctor visit was so great. He is healing up better than expected. He has very little pain now and still has not taken a single pain pill! His xrays looked really good. he is doing better than wonderful. Its just incredible! He does have to wear his back brace for another 3 more months from today(which he wasnt thrilled about) then we will get another set of xrays in March. He can begin doing a bit more than he has been. He just has to be careful and to take it easy. He can even lift up to 30 lbs. :) that scares me a bit since I have been (trying not to) hover over him like a toddler just learning to walk. Lol Basically we had a really great check up. With a really GREAT doctor. We are relieved. We are once again humbled. We are truly grateful. Those of you who have prayed, visited, sent cards, money, food, messages, called, cried with us, checked on us, bugged us, sent packages of healing golden nuggets (not actual gold, but better than gold) ;) those who randomly stopped by, brought groceries, firewood, supplements, hid money in my kitchen, left unmarked envelopes in my mail box with cash, all of you... you are family. You know who you are. Your are blood. We love you. We thank you. We are honored to do life with you. You have changed us for the better and we simply can never repay the love that you have shown us and what you have taught us. ♡♡♡ I ask that you please continue to lift up the Buice/Maples family and the Willard/Bunch family as they adjust to life here with out their loved ones. Thank you again for all of the love and prayers!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:35:51 +0000

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