Today is Tuesday, but I feel inspired to talk about Wednesday. - TopicsExpress


Today is Tuesday, but I feel inspired to talk about Wednesday. I dont feel as bitter about talking about Wednesday on a Tuesday as I do about talking about Wednesday on a Wednesday. Because of the long-weekend, I initially thought today was Monday, but thats just Wednesdays way of confusing Tuesday into sending out Monday vibes that make Tuesday feel like a Monday, so that just occasionally, Wednesday can feel like Tuesday and escape the pressure of being Wednesday and Thursday, again occasionally, cops the millibrunt of the angst Wednesday causes, because of its inevitably continuously cyclic Wednesday. If I had to choose a day between Wednesday day and Tuesday, I would always choose Tuesday over Wednesday, because it is SO like Wednesday to be involved in such subterfuge, leaving one no real choice but the choice of choosing Tuesday and I question whether or not that is a realistic choice or one chosen for me by the choice of the chosenness of a choice Tuesday over the second rate choice of Wednesday that I would choose to never choose, choosing to choose Tuesday each time, meaning that no choice exists. Choosing a day between Tuesday and Thursday will still end up with Wednesday, so I ask, where is the choice in that? Perhaps I am just being choosy. If that is the case, here is another reason I would and will always choose to be choosy when it comes to Wednesday day, which for me is neither a Tuesday, nor a choose day, a day of choice nor a choice day in any way, shape or form. Now that Australia Day is like Anzac Day and commemorated on the day rather than the nearest previous (I think) Monday it used to be, there are two single day holidays that can possibly fall on a Wednesday; those, of course, being the abovementioned Anzac Day and Australia Day. Whoops; forgot New Years Day but Im sure you get my gist. All other long weekend extra days off occur on Monday, unless one of the abovementioned days falls on a Friday. The extra day off then becomes the first day of the long weekend; a slightly strange set-up, and one that, I think, feels like a day off before the weekend, as opposed to an actual long weekend as such. We have, so far, established that long weekends only include Friday, Saturday, Sunday and/or Monday. The Easter long weekend, that has been recently re-established by Tasmanias return to the four term system of states further north, brings Tuesday into play, in what amounts to an extended long weekend. Show Day in Launceston is on a Thursday. In Burnie, its on a Friday. Thus far, unless we encounter one of a date specific nature, we have public holidays throughout the year on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and, of course, Saturday and Sunday. Wednesday is conspicuous by its absence; an absence which, incidentally, does not make this heart grow fonder! Some may argue that Launceston Cup Day falls on a Wednesday, but I firmly counter-argue that a half-day off, starting at 11am is as ludicrous, pointless and downright annoying as is deserved by the copiously incoherent and inconsiderate nature of the Wednesday beast we are all forced to encounter on a weekly basis. My conclusion is that there are no non-date-specific public holidays on Wednesdays because Wednesdays are no fun, by simple virtue of Wednesdays Wednesdayness or Wednesdaysness, if you prefer the more realistic and accurate plural form, although to truly accurately grasp the pluralitous nature of this relentless beast one must use both barrels and speak of the myriad of Wednesdays Wednesdaysnesses. In short, and I will always endeavour to cut a short story long, for the greater good of all those who sail in her, it is increasingly evident with each semblance of evidence I procure that the following is undeniably and indefatigably true. Wednesdays suck.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:57:18 +0000

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