Todays Christianity, with all its form, show and Christmas - TopicsExpress


Todays Christianity, with all its form, show and Christmas programs, is one of the prime reasons for the seasons continual idolatrous, and its ever growing cancerous growth. Professed ministers of todays Christian churches cannot define sin or point out that there is a penalty for sin, and so cannot stand up and cry aloud, and show Gods people their sins, Isaiah 58:1. God will judge them according to their wicked stewardship! Christmas is a pretty name for a cover-up of Satans oldest trick. Make it sound pretty, feel good, pleasing to mans eyes, add a thing or two concerning Christianity to it, and man will go for it every time! Christmas, a day renamed from pagan sun worship, is still the same old, idolatrous, Baal-worship, Day of Saturnalia and is still today celebrated with all of its pagan customs of sun worship, along with its merrymaking, plus having a little religion as in Christianity attached to it! People believe that if they have Christs name or confess His Name in any of their professed Christians rituals, their special days and church fellowships, then none of their sins will bring Christs judgment of death upon their lives. God continually, throughout the history of the Old Testament, told His people, and tells His people today, not to worship Him the way the heathen nations worship their pagan gods, Deut. 12:1-5. Professed Christianity today does the opposite of what God commands, and sets themselves up as god, telling people what is good and what is bad or sinful, according to their own standards, not Gods standards and laws. This in their minds justifies their sins of idolatry, regardless of what Gods Word says because they decide what days of the year that they will rest and make as holy days and then forget the Holy Days and Sabbaths of God that He has commanded to be kept Holy! Christmas merrymaking is built around a custom of raising up a mystical, deified St. Nicholas, referred to as Santa Claus. He is an idol, widely accepted and worshipped by children, that parents continually raise up and teach to their children every year and bear a false witness about all his doings. This Santa idol is made up in the likeness of God, breaking Gods 2nd commandment, with a low voice and white hairs, girdlelike belt, seated on his throne in stores, which is all descriptive of God and Christ, and is found in Daniel 7:9, and Revelation 1:13-14. Children are allowed and taught to revere this idol and its worldwide power of giftgiving and stocking filling, instead of revering the Almighty God and Creator, the only real giver of life, and all good gifts. Almighty God and Jesus Christ have never been any part of an abominable and idolatrous Christmas, with its Santa Claus idol and with all of it SUN WORSHIP customs, rituals, and symbols that is used to observe and celebrate this day and season! Parents, teachers, professed Christians, and all people alike, continue this idolatrous worship by providing a worship alter for Santas placing of gifts, that being an evergreen Christmas tree--the alter place of receiving gifts, which is a pagan custom of the past. Much of the pagan, false-god worship of the past was done around trees, groves, decoration of trees, and carving of trees. God very plainly says, Dont worship Him like the Baal worshipers did of their gods of the past, Please read these Scriptures in their context, Deut. 12:1-4, I Kings 14:22-24, II Kings 17:7-20, II chronicles 28:1-4, Jeremiah 10:1-25, then read an end-time prophecy for the end results of idol worshipers in Ezekiel 6:9-14. Satan keeps everyone feeling good about Christmas with a man generated Christmas Spirit, and then he inspires his ministers to flood the season with lies that Christ was born on December 25th, and other lies and facts surrounding His birth, then preach it is the season for honoring Christ! How can anyone honor Christ with lies? Christ purposely kept His date of birth hidden so people would not observe it in commemoration! He does command people to remember to observe His death at Passover, but church people forget that day and remember and set aside a day to remember His resurrection with another idolatrous day of Easter which Christ does not command to remember as a special day. Nevertheless, Satan has inspired the lie of Christs birth date to be at the same time of the time of pagan sun-worship so all would follow his teaching against God, his way and laws, rather than follow God, and His command of rejecting idolatry and submit to His laws.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 07:16:05 +0000

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