Todays Devotion Topic. Still, Honour God As Holy (Part 3) Text: - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotion Topic. Still, Honour God As Holy (Part 3) Text: Numbers 20: 12 Yesterday we explored the first two sentences of the Lord in Numbers 20: 12 after Moses had struck the rock for water instead of speaking to it. These sentences were: i. because you did not trust in me enough; ii. to honor me as holy. We conclude this series today by exploring the last two sentences of the Lord within that same text. iii. IN THE SIGHT OF MY PEOPLE: Moses represented many things to Israel. It was he who gave them the law of God and the interpretations therefore. Whatever he did could be easily misunderstood as a directive from God or a reflection of how God feels about the matter. It was extremely important that he watched how he conducted himself in the presence of Gods people. You see, like Moses, we are also the ambassadors of Christ. The world tries to interpret what we do as representing the God who lives in us. In their bid to know God, they watch us. What lifestyle are you portraying then? iv. YOU WILL NOT BRING THIS COMMUNITY TO THE LAND I HAVE GIVEN THEM: Now this is very sad but our God is just. We are not called to live anyhow and expect God to come along. We have a charge to keep, a God to glorify. It is important to remember that, there will always be a divine verdict on how we took, interpreted and implemented the commands of God. Moses, by contradicting God, through his actions, spiritually forfeited his mantle to lead the people of God to the promise land. Our calling, like His, require absolute obedience. LESSONS: Dearly beloved, it is always best that we give God His rightful place in our lives. It is impossible to make Him anything less than the Mighty God He is. Although its perfectly understandable that the Israelites were a difficult group of people to lead, God still expected Moses to obey His instructions to the latter. Our Lord Jesus met an equally stubborn generation during His walk on earth but His primary focus remained to please the Father. He did not for once allow the pressures of the crowd to sway Him into any reaction that will incur the displeasure of God. In fact Hebrews 12: 2b explains that for the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. So whether your children are difficult or not, honor God - remain a responsible parent. And to the children, no matter how difficult your parents may be, honor them in the Lord, for this is the first commandment with a promise. Also, it should not matter whether your employers are sensitive or not, work with all diligence. Paul wrote that whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. (Col 3:23) No matter the frustrations you encounter, listen to what the Lord is saying to you, and that alone you must do. For why should you miss the promise land after all you have been through? Reflect on all the above and begin to pray now. (, Like Our Official Facebook Page: Y OUTREACH NETWORK)
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:51:29 +0000

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