Todays Devotion...What Began at Philippi “Paul and Timotheus, - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotion...What Began at Philippi “Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi . . . Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:1-2) In a day that the importance of the church is grossly overlooked, we need to stop from time to time and look back to the influence early New Testament churches had on history and on Christianity as a whole. Nowhere in Scripture does the Bible speak of an invisible, universal church. The local, visible New Testament church is always...ALWAYS...the means in which God has used to change the world. What began at Philippi continues still today in faithful, Scriptural New Testament churches. The church at Philippi was planted on one of Paul’s missionary journeys. He was summoned there in a vision by an unidentified man in Macedonia (now Greece) pleading for him to come and help them (Acts 16:9-10). Recognizing the call was from the Lord, he went immediately. Paul’s European ministry began with the conversion of Lydia, who worshipped God and readily followed Paul’s teachings (Acts 16:14). Paul soon traveled to Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens, where he encountered much hardship and persecution. But the work he had begun in Philippi continued, eventually spreading throughout the continent. The intensely personal letter he later wrote to the Philippian church contains some of the most important doctrinal truths concerning Christ and our victorious life in Christ in all of Scripture. God’s sovereign plan included Europe. He saw to it that the governmental roadblocks and personal opposition were ultimately unsuccessful. Today, many individual Christians trace their ancestry back to Europe. Great evangelistic movements and worldwide missionary efforts over the centuries have European roots. The God-ensured preservation of the Scriptures primarily occurred there as well. Many of the important Bible study tools and preaching helps come through the Western church. Many seminaries and Bible colleges, as well as hospitals and humanitarian efforts, stem from the Western tradition. Today, great numbers are thankfully turning to Christ around the world, but much of the Church’s work began in Philippi as a faithful witness fearlessly and sacrificially preached the Good News of Jesus Christ. Today, the message is the same as Paul delivered to the church at Philippi. The doctrines of the saints have not changed. The great revivals that we read about in the New Testament were brought about by the same Holy Spirit that works in Scriptural New Testament churches today. No my friends...the church does not need a new direction today. The church does not need to change with the times. What the church needs today is to get back to her roots! What the church needs today is to remember what started at Philippi and to never compromise these faithful truths! What we need today is to Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. (Prov. 22:28) So this morning my friends, I extend this challenge....examine your church. What is your church doing to change the world? What is your church doing to challenge you? The better question is, what are YOU doing in your church? What are YOU doing to change the world for the glory of God? If you cant answer these questions...maybe its time you find a place where you can answer them. The time of sit, soak and sour Christianity needs to end! Just saying.... God bless and have a wonderful day! Brother Allen Barton Pastor, Heritage Missionary Baptist Church
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 13:50:09 +0000

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