Todays Inspiration...What have you done today to help someone? God - TopicsExpress


Todays Inspiration...What have you done today to help someone? God surely does expect us to help the needy, the sick, and the elderly. Two stories come to mind. When ever Im on vacation, my wife and my self always take one day out of that week to visit our favorite hamburger place called Ollies Trolly. On this one after noon as we were leaving, and spotted a man who was sitting on a step. He looked tired and just worn down from life. He just looked as if he needed help, better yet God told me that he needed help. I pulled over and got out of our car, walked up to him and handed him twenty dollars and said will this help you. He looked up and started to cry and said how did you know that I had no money to get on the bus......... A story that I read about, In 1935 in New York City. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia one winter night in the poorest section of town strolled into a court room and insisted that the judge take the night off because he wanted to preside over the cases himself. Soon a tired desponded elderly woman appeared before him. She had been charged with stealing a loaf of bread. In her own defense, she said, My daughters husband left her, she is sick, and her children are hungry. But the store keeper had no mercy. With a sigh, LaGuardia said to the woman, The law is clear. I have to punish you. He fined her ten dollars. And before he could get the sentence out of his mouth he was reaching in his pocket and pulled out ten dollars. He dropped it into his hat and said heres the ten dollar fine. He said furthermore Im charging every person in this courtroom fifty cents for living in a town where a person has to steal a loaf of bread so her grandchildren can eat. He said Mr. Bailiff, collect the fines and give it to the defendant. The total he collected was $47.50 So the next time you feel someone needs help, they more than likely do.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 03:25:48 +0000

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