Todays Tampa Tribune, which is a newspaper that I enjoy reading - TopicsExpress


Todays Tampa Tribune, which is a newspaper that I enjoy reading most days, carried an article regarding the senior students who won scholarships for college. I believe they were $1500 each, which is a nice amount. Anyways, what caused me to write was the mentioning of older people believing that younger people spend all their time in front of their phones taking selfees, which many times I have the same thought, The article listed the many good things that younger people do with the numerous apps that they use and even create to communicate with others around the globe, raise money, assist with learning, etc. It reminded me of things which I have heard with my own ears from those of my own and older generations which caused me to be inspired to write this posting. Many have stated that they are afraid of social media, especially FB. Afraid of what? Is something going to pull them thru the other side. Many are afraid that their ID will be stolen. A person putting thru a check used for payment is more like to steal your ID as they have a lot more in their hands and may be the poor person in need of extra monies at that time while earning a lousy income. Some of the younger people seem to be afraid of answering telephones. Why? Are they afraid to speak and to have their voices recognized. So many people seem to be afraid of pen to paper, landlines, newspapers, anything that makes them communicate with other humans. I write letters and send greeting cards by regular mail, It makes me feel good. I read newspapers and actual books, not Nook and Kindle. They help support authors and journalist and make me feel good. I use a landline. I dont want to take a phone everywhere that I go. I dont want to be connected at all times and not able to use the excuse that I didnt have my phone on. There is an difference in what we do based on age, but there is also this fear that seems to have taken over no matter the age and I dont and wont allow it to be a part of me. I have a lot of research to do regarding some of these avenues of social media, but I am excited and may use one or two that I dont currently use, but it wont be due to age or fear. No one is coming thru the computer or phone to steal me. No one is stealing my ID and if they did, they would laugh and throw mine back. It may take a little longer for my letter or card to get there, but it can be held and read and re-read over and over throughout the years, once I am no longer here and wont be lost if the computer crasher, or whatnot. I can go on and on, with my inspiration, but this is enough for now. It is very late and I have a few more pages of my newspaper to read.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 07:34:23 +0000

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