Todays article about Ukraine in the Lexington Herald-Leader - TopicsExpress


Todays article about Ukraine in the Lexington Herald-Leader constitutes smoking-gun proof that the editor, Peter Baniak, is a right-wing, bloodthirsty, incompetent, biased, war-loving, immoral, partisan hack. He saved the most despicable lie for the last sentence of the article, which reads, Their [pro-Russian militia members] efforts appeared as much an aid initiative as a public relations exercise necessary to prop up local support in a city where the rebel presence has caused such intense misery. That sentence is so despicably biased in the right-wing direction that I can best respond by imagining a comparable sentence that might have been found in some foreign publication on the day after 9-11. The Saudi Arabian Times, reporting from New York City, made the following statement at the very end of its news report on the Trade Center collapse that killed more than 2,600 Americans yesterday: September 12, 2001: ... The efforts of the local paramilitary forces appeared as much an aid initiative as a public relations exercise necessary to prop up local support in a city where the presence of American police officers, military personnel, firefighters, office workers, stockbrokers, and young children has caused such intense misery. Listen up, Peter Baniak: The Ukrainian government in Kiev launched a major anti-civilian invasion of southeastern Ukraine. It was accurately called a campaign of mass murder and ethnic cleansing. YOU have been too stuck in your right-wing ideological frame to allow the people of Kentucky to find out about that huge war crime. The invasion has been a major atrocity, and YOU have been covering it up. That is DESPICABLE. You should resign immediately in disgrace, or the publisher, Mr. Rufus Friday, should fire you immediately. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS DISGUSTING, RIGHT-WING, PRO-WAR BIAS IN NEWS STORIES IN THE YEAR 2014. Furthermore, why have you refused to respond to my repeated requests for a meeting? In addition to being an incompetent, right-wing hack, are you also a coward? The readers of your paper should be outraged. If anyones willing to join me for a loud public rally on the sidewalk outside the H-L building in the near future at Main Street & Midland Avenue, please call me at 859-278-4966 or email me: energetic (at) Please contact: Friday, Rufus, President & Publisher, 859-231-3248, rfriday@herald-leader
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:24:00 +0000

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