Todays missive on the ebola fiasco. There is a video of a fox - TopicsExpress


Todays missive on the ebola fiasco. There is a video of a fox news douche going viral that says the government has it handled and all is well. The CDC says the same. Obama says the government is ready. Lets look at the facts and see if this is true, shall we? The huge level of incompetence at all levels, from all agencies, is astounding. Over 70 people treated the first patient. Couldnt that number have been kept to 10-15, maybe 20? AFTER he was diagnosed, Duncan was kept in a PUBLIC room for several hours. When a nurse complained that he should be moved to isolation, those above her resisted. Blood samples taken from Duncan were sent through the hospitals general tube delivery system, rather than hand-delivered to a lab, putting many people at risk and contaminating the entire delivery system. Duncan was projectile vomiting and ejecting other bodily fluids, yet the nurses treating him (who admit they were given inadequate protection) were allowed to treat other patients. The now infected nurse who travelled here took her own temperature and said it was .9 below the threshold. The CDC TOLD HER she could travel!! Was this CDC idiot fired? The nurse should also be fired and lose her nursing license. Anyone with half a brain who knew they were not properly protected and also knew they had a fever should know better than to board an airplane for at least 21 days. Many at the CDC and the hospital should also be fired. Of course this will not happen, as government and big business are rarely held accountable for their actions, even when these incredibly inept actions put the whole country at risk. Articles about Ebola say it mutates with every new transmission, yet the CDC claims to know for sure at the exact body temperature (to the 1/10th of a degree) that is transmits. Bullshit. Just another government agency that doesnt know anything, lies, and is not accountable for their own mistakes. They cant wipe their own asses. The nurses admitted that the CDC and the hospital had no protocols in place and had no idea what they were doing. Now Obama is talking about Ebola Swat Teams! Look for government goons to be invading the wrong houses in the near future. Give it a police name and people will support it, no matter how badly they screw up! Finally, I will end with one interesting fact. The U.S. Government patented a strain of Ebola a few years ago. One would think the patient owners would know everything about it and have proper protocols in place. theguardian/.../texas-hospital-sorry-ebola... usatoday/.../nurses-protest-ebola/17302987/ google/patents/US20120251502
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 15:59:39 +0000

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