Todays sermon was really good and he was really stressing the - TopicsExpress


Todays sermon was really good and he was really stressing the point. the title was Jesus..not just your personal Lord and Savior It was about how God does not wish anyone to perish- and I like his take on perish- we all whether christian or not have eternal life.... the differance is I will spend mine with Jesus but the lost will spend eternity perishing being punished and tormented. I had never looked at it that way and it does make you think. He went on to explain why we as christians today fail to share the good news of salvation: 1) were not sure it is good news- so many are just weekend believers- or religious but never received it ourselves. I like what he said I dont come to church for a relationship with Jesus- I come to church because of a relationship with Jesus 2) we dont consider the spiritual well being of others- sure we give to the poor and may volunteer and help their physical needs but we need to use that as a means to also meet their spiritual needs. 3) we dont think the gospel is a fit for what people expect today- but if we make it fit then it will not acquit them ( lead to salvation). We have to accept the gospel as it was delivered 2000+ years ago. He then went on to tell us why we should: 1) it is Gods will- the message is for everyone and it is the only plan of salvation 2) it is what God wants- that no one should perish, that everyone would repent, and that He wants to keep His promise to come again. 3) it is why God is waiting-for us to take the opportunity to share the gospel. He really challenged us to spread by deed yes ( it plants the seed) but also by how we live the gospel and by being willing to talk about our conversion and our walk and our relationship with Jesus. That is exactly why I do these entries and why I was used in music ministry for so many years as well as teaching and with the youth..... I pray everyday all I have done for Christ has made a difference in someones life and pointed them to God and to salvation. Nothing I have done or time and effort spent was every a waste of my time nor do I regret ever giving back for all He has done for me. I was raised in a home that believed in serving God and serving others , my parents always served in church and the last thing I remember about my pappaw was when he prayed Lord thank you for one more day to serve you and to share your word with others and this was while he was dying of cancer.... and yes I cried then and it makes me cry now.... I just ask and pray that I show the same faith and faithfullness my grand parents and my parents always did. Thats the legacy I want to leave! God bless you.bbb
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:26:08 +0000

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