Tomorrow is the big day! Well, one of them anyway. After packing - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is the big day! Well, one of them anyway. After packing and repacking this morning, I needed to take a break so I went to grab one last hug from Alexa. As we pulled up she started jumping up and down with excitement and squealing. As I stepped out of the car she bounced off of the porch and flew into my arms. Just as quickly as she leaped into me, she squirmed back down and tore off running inside the house. When she came back out she handed me a bunch of papers, her eyes wide with anticipation. I opened them and stared. She humbles me with her unconditional love. I passed through the papers one by one and stopped. I knew exactly what she had drawn; it was a beautifully done picture of myself and Joseph beside our new home in Africa and the Indian Ocean. Of course, the picture would not have been complete without a lion. I love that I can see how she envisions where we will be. I have learned a lot from Alexa about love and hope. She is never waiting for the other shoe to drop or waiting for people to mess us. She sees the good in all people and her constant smile brightens any room and her eyes gleam with hope about life. Childlike faith. Matthew 18:2-5 He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. As our car pulled away, my tears were uncontainable. I know Alexa well enough to know that she would rather see me today I choose to praise God for the time I have had here, for the people I have met and for how He has changed my life forever. I have so much joy in my heart because Father is holding it. Any tear that spills today or tomorrow will be one of gratitude for the gifts He has given me. I will rejoice in the friends that became my family while here in Panama. There are no goodbyes...only farewell for now. Le sostendré en mi corazón, Panamá. Dios te bendiga
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 20:23:42 +0000

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