Tomorrow is the election for Mayor of San Diego and admittedly all - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is the election for Mayor of San Diego and admittedly all of them have qualifications to fill the job. Last year my support was in full swing for Nathan Fletcher. I had met him and found him to be absolutely agreeable and I appreciated his switch from the Republican party as well as some changes of his policy positions on marriage equality and his full throttled support for the repeal of DADT. I still find those qualities admirable in this man and the biggest concern I had was his reasoning for his vote against Harvey Milk Day here in California. I finally got the chance to meet up with him when he paid a visit at the restaurant and when I questioned him on the issue he indicated that the bill in question happened at a time when he was not necessarily available to fully comprehend the bill and thus history now notes his no vote. I will vote for Nathan if a runoff occurs between him and Faulconer but tomorrow I will be voting for David Alvarez. I know this is a huge reversal of the last two years from me but after looking closer at Davids record in City Council and the political trek that led him to his career in politics as it stands, the obvious fact stands out that he is a real progressive and liberal who has the best shot of returning the focus on our neighborhoods here in San Diego. I am voting for the person that best represents who I am and my interest and doing so honestly leads me to pick David Alvarez for mayor of San Diego. Check out his upbringing in Barrio Logan or the limits on Wal-Mart he has advocated as well as his focus on protecting neighborhoods from large industrial complexes that sometimes encroach and pollute our neighborhoods if you need more reasons. He has also had a solid and consistent stance of support for all LGBT issues. Good luck David. Im rooting for you.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:27:53 +0000

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