Tonight I attended a panel of speakers from the National Coalition - TopicsExpress


Tonight I attended a panel of speakers from the National Coalition of Homelessness, where two individuals shared their stories that really tied into some central themes that individuals who identify as homeless experience on a daily basis. There are SO many things that are placed into perspective just by the simple act of speaking with someone with a unique story characterized by struggle and constant roadblocks. Tonight I will go to bed grateful for the heat that comes out of the space heater my parents so generously purchased for me, the blankets on the bed which enables me to sleep comfortably at night, and the apartment I am fortunate enough to be able to afford. Given everyones level of stress lately and the troubling news stories about corruption, greed, violence, and racism, it is really easy to sit here and complain about our world. I know I have been guilty as of late. But what if we, if only for a moment, shifted our perspective to be grateful for all the awesome things we DO have, and focus less on the things we DONT yet have? I have my health, three great jobs that make me incredibly happy, and great friends who are unconditionally fantastic. Perspective is a powerful thing, and can enact some serious change. I cant wait to see how FSUs leaders of today and future leaders of tomorrow go and improve the lives of others when they visit Detroit in March. I hope everyone else strives to make a difference in the lives of others as well - homeless or not.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:10:29 +0000

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