Too bad we dont have real men who standup and tell the truth. Our - TopicsExpress


Too bad we dont have real men who standup and tell the truth. Our nation used to be founded and principles but it has been many years where we as a nation have been slipping further and further away from our guiding principles set forth by our founding fathers. Isnt it time for real men and real women who care about those founding principles in our constitution stand up and speak up and be counted so our nation can stand strong once again. Our nation is so fragmented and its done by people whom think they know whats best for us. We are the people. No nation can stand without each individual doing whats right and first finding within themselves what God intended for their life. This is the most difficult task one will ever have and we are so distracted by survival and entertainment that we forget who we really are and that is children of God who were created in His image. We toil in vein stressed out because we so badly want to think we are in control or try to be in control of our own life when in fact although we make decisions about directions in life here and there the truth is God is ultimately in control and we merely are passing thru. We get to try to pass the test of making this a better place for those who follow our life once we are gone. What kind of world am I making for my daughter? This is a very hard pill to swallow. What world will she have because of me? What can I do to make this a better place for her life and her children and their children? God help me to be a better man and to have an impact on this world for the better of her life, the better of my community, the better of my state, the better of my nation, the better of my continent and the better of my world. I hope you will join me in focusing on others, getting informed instead of entertained and standing up to make a difference thru love for others. God bless you all and I hope we can bring real change to this world by simply changing our own hearts first then that will inspire change for the nation. We dont have politicians to rule us, we need to be the voice and bring back peace, bring back the constitution as our guiding document which was founded on the bible and bring back a caring for one another whether it not we all agree. Have a wonderful day. Go forth and prosper all.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:09:16 +0000

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