Top 10 First Date Mistakes You Should Avoid!!! First - TopicsExpress


Top 10 First Date Mistakes You Should Avoid!!! First impressions can make or break you. Yes, some people get second chances, but your first date will leave an indelible mark on her. That’s why you should try your hardest not to make these mistakes. 10. Checking Out Other Women The easiest way to get water thrownin your face is to get caught checking out another woman. Hey, we get it — it can be hard to tame your wandering eye (millions of years of evolution, you say? we believe you!), but for the sake of yourdate’s self-esteem and the possibility of future dates, limit your field of vision to her face, the menu and yourwaiter’s face. Keep your eyes on the prize (your date, silly), and you’ll score major points 8. Spending Time On Your Phone Smartphones are incredible, aren’t they? In fact, they can be more interesting than the majority of your dates, and yet, from the time you pick her up to the time you say goodnight (or good morning), keep your phone in your pocket, on silent. It’s just plain being polite, and even abad date can be salvaged if she goes around spreading the good word about what a good listener you are and how polite you were 7 Talking About Your Ex Nobody wants to be reminded of your romantic past or held up for comparison to your previous lovers. Keep that information to yourself. 6 Making Crude Jokes The right way to do this is to begin slowly, making light jokes and getting a sense for her character. Eventually you’ll know if she’s the right audience for your latest joke about Catholic priests. The wrong way to figure this out is to begin with the joke and test her reaction. Best-case scenario? You get lucky and get a laugh out of her. Worst-case scenario? You offend her by mocking something she holds dear, and end up with a slap to the face and an empty seat across from you in the restaurant 5 Bad Manners Basic manners are a must because any breach of them will get you booted from future romance. Act likesomeone she can take home to her parents and she might just do that; act like a slob and you’re going to find yourself with no one to interrupt. 4 Talking About Money This is a no-win scenario: Either you’ve got lots of money, in which case talking about it will make you look arrogant, or you’re penniless, and talking about it will make you look pathetic. Worse still, consider what message you’re sending. If you spend all dinner talking about your new Audi and your robust stock portfolio and the girl manages to stay awake, even seems interested, isshe picturing herself with you or with your money? Whatever your financial situation, it’s not somethingyou should be sharing on a first date. 3 Being Indecisive Compare these two openers: “Hey, we should grab a coffee some time” vs. “Hey, would you possibly want to grab coffee with me, or maybe dinner? We could even see a movie.” In the first, you’re basically asking her on a date, it seems like a foregone conclusion. This is good because it projects confidence, and itgives her only one thing to wonder: Do I or do I not want to date this guy? The second question, on the other hand, not only puts her in the position of wondering whether or not she wants to go on a date with you but forces her to consider the venue, too. This is bad: Now you’re burdening her with irrelevant extras and, worse, making yourself look indecisive. 2. Correcting Her On Little Things eep things light and playful; your goal should be to make her smile and show her a good time, not improve her grammar or knowledge of basic geography. 1 Being Too Confident There’s confidence and then there’s arrogance. The former is attractive towomen. It makes you seem at ease with who you are and what you represent. The latter is a Band-Aid covering up insecurity and is about as transparent as glass.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:42:20 +0000

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