Top 5 Reasons Why Women Make Good Entrepreneurs Did you know - TopicsExpress


Top 5 Reasons Why Women Make Good Entrepreneurs Did you know that 1 in 4 companies in the U.S. are being run by a woman? In a world where men were thought to have predominated the business industry for a long time, we have been seeing an influx of female entrepreneurs who have been taking the lead role in businesses and companies. Although 1 in 4 may not sound like a very good ratio, it is great considering the fact that not to long ago, business was run mostly by men. However, diversity is best and woman bring new and refreshing takes to running a business that men simply lack or don’t offer. Women make good entrepreneurs and so we are sure to see more and more women start to take the lead role in their own businesses. 1 | Women have strong communication skills & social intelligence According to numerous studies, women have a slight edge when it comes to communication and social skills. By having a strong ability to network with clients and potential business partners, one will have the resources and leverage available to them when needed. Those who lack these particular skills will have a more difficult journey ahead of them. 2 | Women make great listeners & are more open-minded A study showed that the collective intelligence level of a group increased when the group had included more and more women. Women can listen to what others have to say and give open-minded advice and suggestions while males tend to be more aggressive and dominant in their approach. 3 | Women cooperate & possess strong teamwork skills Woman collaborate better than males on average. They get things done while males on the other hand may still be fighting and arguing over who has to complete what. There is a smaller ego amongst women than there are with males. While males look to dominate other men in their own respective groups, women simply work together to complete a given task. 4 | Women are less likely to have negative revenues Women tend to be on the safe side of things, but this does not mean that they don’t take risks. Women prefer lower risk opportunities, and therefore have less chances of going bankrupt or reducing their income levels. Males are more prone to taking excessive risks in business which most definitely leads to reckless decisions being made. 5 | Women aren’t afraid to ask for advice or guidance Pride can get in the way of men who need help or advice in regards to their own business. Women do not allow their pride to get in the way of their own chances of success. When they need to ask for help, they do not hesitate to use the open advantage. This creates less opportunities to make avoidable mistakes in the future and leads to a more successful path ahead. Women make good entrepreneurs because they posses skills, traits, and talents that men simply lack. If you are striving for a position where you can one day own your own business, just know that it’s possible. That’s it. Say to yourself, “It’s possible.” Good entrepreneurs never say never.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 19:42:44 +0000

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