Topic: Ephatha - Be opened Text: Mark 7:31-37 Jesus is the son - TopicsExpress


Topic: Ephatha - Be opened Text: Mark 7:31-37 Jesus is the son of God, the word of God manifest in flesh, the Lord, the Saviour and the Messiah. Jesus, the traveller: Mark 7 shows several places Jesus travelled to. Jesus is always on the move, He is not stagnant. Jesus has travelled by all means of transportation. Life is a journey with eternal consequences. For a journey like this, you need a companion. Jesus knows where to go and how to get there. Ps. 139:7 (Where can I go from your spirit?), Matt 28:20 (I am with you). Who are you travelling with? Jesus, the receiver of all problems: Irrespective of the category of problems, Jesus receives them all. In Matt. 11:28, Jesus calls for problems. He does not back out, neither is He intimidated - He makes the sick whole. People sometimes do not receive healing because: they are not focused, they do not believe, they doubt and they do not want to be healed. Your action is to give your problems to Jesus. Jesus, the unconventional healer, the miracle worker: Mark 7:33 - Who heals deafness with spittle? Jesus can solve your problems anyhow. Do not tell Jesus what to do - let God be God. His methods are infinite - leave the method to Him. Jesus, the commander!!!: He does not negotiate, He commands. Ps. 107:20- He sent his word, He healed by speaking. His commands are eternal, it has the same potency and power. His word do not diminish in power. Jesus, the Messiah, the traveller, the unconventional healer and the commander is LORD!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:46:17 +0000

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