Total Love: Part 27 Raymond left Damilolas house and headed - TopicsExpress


Total Love: Part 27 Raymond left Damilolas house and headed to Funkes place. Funke and Gloria were outside the living room playing playing-cards and laughing as they were gisting. Raymond got there and met the gate opened. He walked in without knocking. He was relieved seeing the two girls outside playing. I pray their parents arent at home, he said as he walked in. He walked closer and waved at them so that they would see him. Funke saw him first and tapped and Gloria, pointing at Raymond. Hi. He bowed. The prince bowing for us? Ordinary us? Gloria uttered quietly. Yeah. Welcome, why are... Funke was asking while she was interrupted. Nooo.. Dont bother about me, I came to see you specifically. Can I see you in private please? He asked with a polite face. Funke stared at Gloria for some seconds before Gloria moved her head to the direction of where Raymond was, explaining to him to go and speak with him. Ill be right back ore. She uttered tapping her shoulder and walked down to Raymond. They both walked outside the house. Can I help you? Fro christ sake, you are the Prince. She uttered with concern and fear over her. Please dont shout. The guards are there, I dont want them to hear what we are saying. Em.. I dont know how to start but.. ... •5 years later....• The love grew rapidly after that day. The Prince and Funke loved each other and everything was more than peaceful, unlike Damis own that is trouble everyday for Tony. Damilola got to the palace sweating profusely. She was with a basket full of fruits. Her mother sent her there to deliver it to the Queen. As she entered, the King saw her and called her, interrogating on who she was. She explained she was the daughter of the women leader of the Kingdom. The King was surprised and loved her on seeing her. You look so beautiful. He commented and smiled to her. Thanks your highness. She replied laughing and happy she was admired by the King. It must be that the King likes me so much. She thought as she left the palace smiling. •••• Dolapo and Dami were at Damis place, all alone in the house. They were gisting as usual suddenly Damilola rushed out vomiting and feeling dizzy. Is this malaria? Dolapo asked with surprise. I dont know. Can you follow me to the clinic so that we can go and see the doctor? She asked. Thats not a problem. Lets go. She pulled her. •••• Gloria and Funke were sweeping the compound together and gisting. It was like something was making them happy, they were beating each other with the broom with them and playing. The prince and Tony got there and met them playing, they were behind and laughing at them. Raymond cleared his throat suddenly and got their attention. Ur.. You startled us. Gloria shouted. Em.. We are sorry about that. We came to greet you and... He was saying while he was tapped by Tony. See... He pointed outside the gate. It was Damilola and her friend. ... Ray and Tony sighted both Damilola and Dolapo outside and walked out of the building. Im coming dear. Raymond told Funke demonstrating with his hand. Gloria and Funke were by the gate peeping and listening to what they saying. Why are you like this? How on earth do you know that Im here? Tony questioned. What on earth are you doing here too... She wanted to start shouting but stopped because of the prince that she was in love with. Sorry Damilola, he only escorted me here. We do things together, thats the reason. He explained. Anyways, thats good. I want to talk to you personally. Damilola faced Tony. They walked to the front of the gate of Funke and Gloria, they could hear and see them properly then and were laughing silently inside. Im two week pregnant oh... Damilola uttered softly so that no one would hear. You are.... You are what? Tony repeated, his system has changed. Funke and Gloria kept their heads back then Funke mistakenly hit the gate with her leg. Tony suspected that Funke and her friend must have heard all what they discussed there. He stopped hearing the sound of their sweeping. Im I not dead now? He asked himself and turned to the right, straight to the princes eyes. What? The prince said silently that the movement of his mouth can only show what he just said. Tony laughed. Thanks dear, I understand.. He turned everything into laughter so that no one would know about it. Dont tell anyone too oh. Tony said softly, looking straight into her eyes. But your friends babe and her friend has heard now. Will you tell me you didnt notice they ran away now? She asked bodly. Em.. Urgh, no. They must be inside. Busy.. No, cooking, I mean.. Praying. He was parabulating, didnt know what to say. Okay, if you say so. Dami uttered and smiled. She walked to her friend and winked at the prince, waving at him. •••• What did she come for? The prince asked as he walked up to the gate to meet him. Em.. Shey Dolapo? He said somehow unstable. DOLAPO? Isnt that her fri.. Ooh... Dami. She came to tell me about her... her , I mean.. Em.. You know her mums uncle now? He asked using that as a medium to think of what hed say. How do you expect me to know. Do we live together? He laughed. Urgh, sorry, her mother died. He uttered. Mother died?? He quickly said looking surprised. Wait, let me finish. Its her mothers brother. He concluded. Argh! Tony. Na u sabi. Lets go and meet Funke oh, weve been keeping her waiting. He addressed. We? Im I her.. He smiled so that Ray wont suspect. Tony had his asthmatic attack there on their way inside the place, his breathing changed. Maybe because of the shock. ... Part 28 @12noon
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 07:56:25 +0000

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