Totally Tossing Caution to the Wind this Morning!(A prtion of a - TopicsExpress


Totally Tossing Caution to the Wind this Morning!(A prtion of a letter I wrote to my father uBhungane....My first love) Baba let me tell you, the condition of the church has so deteriorated, many pastors, elders and deacons are sleeping with the vulnerable women in the church who have come for counseling running away from the world seeking refuge in serving the Lord, and they turn around and call them Satanists who seduced them when all the while it’s them going after them using empty promises and the spiritual office they hold as a beacon of trust. They are cold as ice even when they dispose of them, mercilessly is how they treat them, besides, these women are the devil now that these prominent figures are caught with their pants down. What’s worse is how in turn God’s pulpits are used as a ‘but me no buts’ vantage point to address personal messes they are not willing to man up about and tackle in private with the people concerned. This phenomenon lives women holding the baby all the time while they walk scot-free. I still insist that it is cowardly to stand on Gods territory using an approach that says, “if the cap fits, then wear it!’, and portray yourself as a victim you are not; you made this bed in brought day light, unassisted I must add, lie on it for a change, unaccompanied. This is not fair play, how do I answer back as a woman when you hurling insults at me that sound more like preaching and are getting “uninformed amens” from those that don’t have the full story of your underhandedness instead see you as an angel. These men have become a law unto themselves. These fuming tides of hypocrisy are rising and sadly drowning those in the church. Everyone else needs to repent on things they are going to do right after preaching on them. When confronted they use the phrase, touch not the anointed of the Lord! They can never set their foot wrong; the problem is with Eve right! Women are under siege in the church Baba and as result they are scattered on a pain suffused Diaspora, despondently staggering at the hands of multitudes of taunting self-righteousness of the spiritually blind, unable to nip in the bud, the Devil’s schemes flourishing right under their noses. Some of these women managed to escape broken into marriages while still reeling form the betrayal they can’t even expose to their loved ones in case they get rejected all over again. They can’t risk it considering how far they have come and so they put a lid on their pain which senselessly come up to their eyes from time to time; unprovoked and insolently so showing up like a bad penny in a middle of a random conversation between sisters. They are ‘ticking time bombs’ more likely to blow up at soccer match or a dinner table if you ask me; their hearts are ripped out at the place they should be mended at. I’m sitting here asking how long this will go on for while we sit and do and say nothing, mainly paralyzed by the possibility of being ostracized for hanging the dirty linen of such highly regarded spiritual office. There is no place of refuge anymore. I do wonder where else should we run, if the enlightened, the tongue talking, spirit filled born again believers can not protect us.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 03:38:05 +0000

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