Transcript of Chairmans speech at Lahore Jalsa (Sep 28, - TopicsExpress


Transcript of Chairmans speech at Lahore Jalsa (Sep 28, 2014) (Compiled by Hamza Salman, a PTI Volunteer) Copied By Malik Muhammad Ashfaq Africa (PTI Volunteer) PTI Conquers LahorePTI Conquers Lahore We pray only to You, Allah, and to You only we look up for help! My Pakistanis, tonight I thank Allah as Ive never seen such a mammoth crowd in Lahore before - my prayers been answered! My prayers have been answered - Pakistani nation is awakened. When I was eighteen, I went to England to study and to play cricket, it struck me how injustice sparked reaction from the people. It always struck me how in Pakistan the nation always tolerated all injustices with quietness and resignation of fate. I worked hard for eighteen years trying to rouse the nation, but it was asleep. I can never forget when Aafia Siddiquis uncle met me and told me her little children had been handed over to USA! Two million came out in London to protest against the injustice when United Kingdom invaded Iraq in 2001. I initially could not get more than two thousand crowd to come out to stand with me against injustices. For the first time in Pakistan, missing person cases were raised by me, but nobody seemed to care! When Zardari was to be sworn in as President, I protested in Islamabad, and yet merely two thousand joined me in that! It scarred me psychologically when I witnessed a Baloch woman whod gone hysterical as she had to leave behind to die, her handicapped daughter during draught. These Sharifs have insatiable greed and lust for relentless loot, whilst the nation reels economically. I thank God, times have changed and the tide has turned - Pakistanis have their souls wide awake now! These forty-five days have been more productive than eighteen years of politics I had done. I keep my promise Ill not leave dharna until Nawaz Sharif resigns. I ask Nawaz Sharif to hold on to Prime Minister position a bit longer and not to resign quickly, so I can carry the message more intensely to all corners of Pakistan! Most heartening feature is how the females of Pakistan have shown political awareness in the last forty-five days! Success, and honour is given by Allah - what was done with Hamza Sharif in Alhamra, and with Nawaz in NY and in flood-hit areas! Im very happy Nawaz Sharif called Joint Session, as the real faces of Status Quo got exposed in front of the whole nation. Zardari returned from Dubai to save Nawaz, and remember how Nawaz came to PPP mans rescue some years ago! It seems the only time Nawaz and Zardari speak the truth is when they call each other as corrupt! Our Azadi Tehreek started in protest at electoral rigging - I had asserted Id exhaust all constitutional avenues. During our fourteen months effort to get ballots verified on just four constituencies, I witnessed how rules had been changed, and how institutions had been weakened to thwart justice. I always maintained PTI would take to the streets after all constitutional avenues are exhausted for justice. Nawaz Sharif! I did not grow up in the lap of General Jilani and General Ziaul Haq - you did! Nawaz Sharif is a trader of souls - we saw how the two families have taken turns to loot Pakistan. I always knew if I take the support of USA or any institution to come to power, I wont be able to defeat the Status Quo. I knew always that I rather needed the support of my nation to extirpate the Status Quo. Nawaz Sharif is planning to spend Rs 44 Billion on Islamabad Metro. Now they claim, an additional Rs 6 Billion is required due to dharna! Times have changed. Nawaz Sharif cannot fool the people through his innocent cherubic face. Its Allahs grace and blessing for PTI that such mammoth crowds have assembled here willingly for the rally! When I was a kid, I could never imagine going to any rally, but now families come in droves! I applaud Karachiites how they came out in massive numbers last week. A six-year-old kid from Karachi was brought by his mother to meet me in the plane, as he wanted to say something - Go Nawaz Go! Plot has thickened. Status Quo have gotten together in the name of democracy, but its really for saving their loot. Well, your skipper has never accepted defeat, and look how now we have created a world record - forty-five days sustained dharna! I challenge Nawaz Sharif to get together even tenth of the people that we have here, for Noon League rally - he wont be able to! Yes, I keep my word - until I get Nawaz Sharifs resignation, Ill continue to hold Islamabad dharna. All of you have to promise me that my nation from now onward, will never brook injustice with fellow Pakistanis! We have to become a thriving and alive nation. Allah has made Jihad mandatory on Muslims - to make a nation stand up in face of injustice! We have to stop police from exercising excesses against the poor helpless people. I heard this liar Parvez Rasheed claim today that Noon League let us do demonstrations. What about the Supreme Court case against you for the Islamabad massacre! Parvez Rasheed, you are a liar, and so is your leader! Why talk about Diesel - he is extinct now! For the first time, there is a case in Supreme Court about a Prime Minister lying in Parliament, but this is not the first time he lied! For seven years, Sharifs continued to lie that they did not apologise and made agreement with Musharraf to flee to Jeddah. General Durrani gave written statement in Supreme Court that Nawaz Sharif took money from ISI for political moves. Major revelations will unfold now quickly due to our sustained demonstrations. When Noon League saw our tsunami before the elections, they got millions of fake ballot papers printed - EC has accepted this fact! UNDP election results control system was shut off by Noon League - a fact that the Government has now admitted! Sharif, on the evening of results, asked the ROs to give him full majority. Chaudhary Iftikhar was controlling the ROs through illegal means. Election Commission Report itself proves that there has been massive electoral fraud. Thus, elections must be held null and void! Form 14 hasnt yet been put up on Election Commission website, as it will prove incontrovertibly that election results were simply manufactured! NADRA ex-head Tariq Malik has given interview that system has capacity to verify one hundred thousand ballot a day. NADRAs ballot verification system was sabotaged through use of fake ballot papers and faulty ink. You must have no doubt there has been massive electoral fraud - our demand of merely four seats verification had been thwarted for fourteen months. I told Noon League that any PTI-win seat can have ballot verification straightaway. Speaker Ayaz Sadiq hid behind Stay Order for seven months, and now is resorting to delaying tactics. Noon League - you have stolen the mandate of the people, and it is nations right to demand justice! Nawaz Sharif would have Go Nawaz Go chants ringing whereve he goes. Even in his dreams, that will happen! Until you resign Nawaz Sharif, free and fair investigation cannot be held, so our demand stays cast in stone! We will hold accountable all parties involved in the rigging process, and get them punished under Article 6 - will make an example! 73 years ago, at this very place, as an 18 year-old youngster - my father Ikramullah Niazi listened intently to the Quaid elaborate on Pakistan Resolution. My father always told me with great pride he was there when Pakistan Resolution was passed. You can proudly claim to your future generations you were part of Azadi Tehreek. We have all to reform ourselves to move ahead towards making this nation great. First thing we need to do is to inculcate the vitality of speaking the truth in our children, and speak the truth ourselves. Truth makes one honourable, and thus Pakistan nation would be regarded with honour internationally if we speak the truth.Truth is quintessential for a Muslim. Secondly, only the intrepid can achieve great aims. Our nation has to cast away the shackles of fear. We all have to exercise true justice without any regard to own ends. Hazrat Umar RA hauled up a prince of Syria and punished him for beating up a slave. Our religion is such that two Caliphs made themselves totally accountable in court of law in front of a Qazi. These Status Quo alligators sitting in the Parliament would be brought under the grip of law. Your skipper would achieve that! We have to establish uniform education system. Well give compulsory education on arts, mother languages, and social sciences. We have to establish a system of justice and humanity. If China has been able to pull out forty crore poor from poverty trap, there is no reason we cant do same for our eleven crore! This is a magnificent charitable nation - it has a large heart - all it needs is an honest leadership at the helm! First thing PTI will do when it gets into power, is to break down the walls of Governor Houses, and turn them into libraries and public parks. Well adopt austerity measures when we sweep into federal power, and would take down all these lavish symbols of state extravagance! Sharif Government has indulged in Rs 70 Billion of excess electricity billing. I have torched my electricity bill, and I ask all of you to do the same, and not to pay. If you pay the bills, it will continue spiking. On Thursday, we are holding a massive rally in Mianwali, and then onward it is Multan! Lahoris, I thank you and I promise, my heart will always beat with you. Your happiness is my happiness. Your joy is my joy. Your pain is my pain. Your success is my success. Your welfare is my welfare. Keep supporting me and Ill never leave you in the lurch.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 23:53:06 +0000

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