Transforming Obstacles Positive Growing in life is a process of - TopicsExpress


Transforming Obstacles Positive Growing in life is a process of experiencing joys and sorrows, pleasure and pain. Why it is that life is such a process of experiencing both joy and sorrow? Can these both aspects be debarred from the schedule of our life? Why can’t we move toward easy way of life? Why do we face all the huddles in life? At times, don’t we feel that life is a course of obstacle? Let us try to understand life with a pinch of salt and the significance of obstacles and problems. We see in Luke’s Gospel; Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” Jesus too felt pain, lonely and abandoned when he was examined by the people and the situation. Yet, the cup of suffering was not taken away from him. So, He had to drink it in full, being obedient to the will of His Father even at the point of death. We see the military people are sent around an obstacle course of increasing their degrees of facing the difficulties. Why? It is to increase their strength and stamina and expand their creative capacity under strain. So, it is on the course called life – We can choose to perceive people, situations or events as obstacles, or we can choose to use these things to strengthen and expand our capacity to be creative and to find ways round, under and over. The choice lies in our perception. Obstacles are never ever out there, they are always within our minds and hearts and they are the part of our life. Hence, our obstacles need to be transformed into stepping stones where we can build a wall out of it. Those stones may be thrown at us by others with anger and negativity, but we collect them and use them for building life, provided we take them positively. Perceive Positively True self-awareness, plus the ability to choose our perceptions of life, the universe and everything, is the basis of free will. Every situation and scene in front of us has so many possibilities in terms of how we perceive and interpret. If someone is 10% selfish and 90% generous what should we focus on, what should we perceive first within them? Most of us are now well trained to perceive and focus on the negative, the selfishness in others, and to follow it quickly with accusation and judgment. We forget that what we perceive is what we empower within another and, more importantly what we perceive is what we empower within ourselves in that moment. And what we choose to see is usually what we get. So, how important is it that we choose to perceive only the best, the highest, the greatest in another, even if its only a half a percent? Let us not forget – our perception is our reality. Our perception is what we project. And what we project is what comes back! Therefore, why don’t we think and perceive things in life positively? We can make this a better place to live for one another if we see reality in a pleasant and nice way. Optimistic Outlook Optimism opens a door in difficult or hopeless situations. No matter what the crisis, an optimist maintains the outlook that it is a sign, time for a different way of thinking, or of doing things. Sometimes, the signal has to be very clear, even harsh; otherwise we may continue in self-delusion and not wake up. Of course if we lack optimism, then instead of taking this signal as a step towards renaissance, we will end up in complaint and resentment or even desperation will emerge. Motivate Yourself At times we may think when we are tensed, ‘its a tough life’. Some days, it’s hard to get out of bed and get going. Why? How come our levels of enthusiasm seem to fall so easily? Why cant we get ourselves motivated? We try to reverse the energy flow in a universe where all energy is radiating outwards. We are taught that winning and achieving is about getting and keeping, when the truth is that it is about giving. Winners are go givers not go-getters, and their definition of winning is not getting one over on the other guy, but overcoming their inertia and giving something of themselves to someone or something other than themselves. This reverses the flow of energy from outside in, to inside out, and as we all know, the deepest satisfaction in life comes from giving. While it is hard to fathom living a life of giving, when everyone else is on the take, there is an ancient law which ensures that if we did, we would never go without. I think we know what that law is. It allows you to be motivated in a completely different way. When we pass that stage of hardships, obstacles and struggles, we tend to become people of life giving only if we motivate ourselves and learn to take them positively. Banish Negativity Obstacle is a choice not a chore. Let us not identify ourselves with others negativity and sorrow or we will go down with them. Let’s be with them, but stay up, so that we can uplift them. Help them put things in perspective. But, first do that for ourselves. Have we lost something by facing those obstacles? Its an illusion - we have nothing to lose. Everything that comes to us, comes to pass literally. If we face them, they will not go away from us unless they change the face of our life. So, let all things pass and we will turn the illusion of loss into the reality of liberation and sorrow will be a distant memory. Live one day at a time with obstacle with an attitude of optimism, positive perception and motivation.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:33:15 +0000

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