Translate : German to English Corruption in Malaysia: A - TopicsExpress


Translate : German to English Corruption in Malaysia: A province of Prince as a Kingmaker - international news --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taib Mahmud, who ruled the Malaysian state of Sarawak, is under fire because of favoritism. As a influential coalition partner of the Government leaders, Taib has but little to fear. Marco Kauffmann Bossart, Kuching The architects of the regional Parliament of Sarawak were inspired by the shape of a stretched screen. It says in the official description. Would the font Panel in the capital Kuching not instruct one, you could keep the gold ornate Rotunda for the North Korean State circus. The 90 million Swiss francs-expensive structure would fit seamlessly into the architecture world of socialist realism. Tripling of the salary ------------------------ For the head of the regional government, Taib Mahmud, turns out the legislature dominated by his Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) in several ways as a stroke of luck. On the 77th anniversary of the birth of Taibs in May of this year, tripled the salary of the «Chief Minister» members and approved a similarly generous wage increase itself. A company was entrusted with the construction of Kuchings new landmark is one of the family Empire of the incumbent since 1981 Chief of province according to research by non-governmental organizations (NGO). Company members with Taib controlled Sarawaks resource-rich economy, 2008 kabelten American diplomats to Washington. A telegram published by Wikileaks stated further that Taib was corrupt to the highest degree. The Bruno Manser Fund, which advocates the rights of the natives of Sarawak, known as largely responsible for the destruction of one of the largest rainforest areas that make way for Palm oil plantations and power plants Taibs clan. According to a report by the Swiss NGO, the clan of the province of Prince, who belongs to the indigenous people of the Melanau, has accumulated a billion fortune through a network of 400 companies. In spite of resource wealth is Sarawak, one of the poorest States of the South-East Asian newly industrialized country. The Basel environmental activist Bruno Manser, who once had landed in protest against deforestation and forced displacement of ethnic minorities with a hang glider the estate Taibs in Kuching, applies since his last trip to Sarawak in 2000 as lost. Some of his followers thought that murder could be industrial circles Manser. Escape into the Rolls Royce ------------------------------- Taib has repeatedly denied the corruption allegations. He sees himself as victim of a mendacious propaganda that will spread primarily by foreign players. However, the accused seems often do not bother to refute the allegedly unfounded accusations in detail. When a video emerged in the run-up to the national elections last May that indicated illegal land sales to of the pugnacious politicians orbit, Taib blocked off unnerved journalist questions and withdrew in his Rolls Royce. The means of transport of the province Chief, also a private jet belongs to which according to press reports, clearly strengthen the arguments of his critics. Driving on the island of Borneo went too far sometimes and the national Government. 2011 Malaysia anti corruption Commission opened an investigation against Taib. But only a warning shot may be the process - the local politician for the political survival of Prime Minister Najib Razaks ruling coalition is too important. The existing 13-Party Alliance of Barisan Nasional (BN) represents the Government for more than half a century. In the elections of last may, suffered BN, however, the worst result ever, and missed the expected two-thirds majority. For the first time, BN missed the voting majority. The PBB led by Taib Meanwhile became the second largest force in the coalition. Najib 2011 still carefully had advocated a change in Sarawak, now political pragmatism celebrates happy spring. PBB with several ministerial posts was considered after the disappointing failed for the Chief Executive elections. Najib, who had once proclaimed the fight against corruption, should have set now other priorities. «Sarawak alpha and Omega». ----------------------------------- However, not only foreign observers Chafe on the Taibs power wealth. Bluntly, Jeniri Amir, who teaches Universiti Malaysia Sarawak on the history and political communication in Kuching, had been established years ago everyone knew that Taib exercise too much power. Only, nobody dare to persuade him to resign. Jen IRIS employers felt as a result of clarification compelled, the scientists have expressed only his personal opinion. A representative of a local NGO feels, however, remembers a Bible quote and the province chief called Sarawak alpha and Omega. In Sarawak the ruling clan to oppose, requires courage. The House of a local politician who fights as an advocate for land rights of indigenous peoples, was pelted with Molotov cocktails. And sometimes an entry lock threatens unpleasant voices: the British born people of Borneo Clare Rewcastle Brown, who was lobbied, from London for the protection of the rainforest in July from Kuching airport intercepted and placed on the next flight homeward. The former British colony, which became part of the Malaysian Federation in 1963, decides autonomously in immigration issues and other areas. Jeniri from the University Malaysia Sarawak observed that educated the population in urban areas demanded more transparency in the Administration and in public tenders. But with significant rural voters material commitments count more than the abstract-seeming claims according to good governance. Politicians who help ship engines and fertilizers the people win on Sarawak.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 11:33:14 +0000

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