Triple Energizer points (TH) TH-1 (Guan Chong) Location: Ring - TopicsExpress


Triple Energizer points (TH) TH-1 (Guan Chong) Location: Ring finger ulnar corner of nail. The triple energizer is about the way a person connects to the world outside. It monitors our social interactions, the roles we play, and integrates our personality. The triple energizer regulates the Wei level, the boundaries of the body; and the conditional aspect of our mind. Energy and blood circulation, transformation of substances, energies, and hormones. This passage is our way of doing business with the world and must remain open for energy to be exchanged physically, and emotionally. The Customs House regulates the exchange of energies, monitors the outflow of energies; controls mania and withdrawal in relationships; marks our boundaries and defines our limits. This point can help a person find direction or define their purpose. Moxa to warm someone who exhibits symptoms of rigidity, coldness, numbness. When a person has problems on the emotional level they may have alot of superficial warmth, but no lasting strength or center; a person may be talkative and chatty in social situations, or seem withdrawn and unable to connect to others. A harsh mental attitude and a certain sort of rigidity in speech, dogma; there may be an inability to receive or appreciate new ideas. This point regulates heat, without the proper heat there will be trouble with articulations, numbness, loss of sensitivity, lack of energies or energies which are unbalanced, inappropriate, especially imbalances of excess. There may be an inability to coordinate thoughts and feelings on the mental level, the person may be unable to evaluate the relative quality of associations; a horizontal attitude to life with a corresponding lack of Spiritual aspirations. Restores consciousness; stops convulsions; dispels wind, clears fire and heat. Febrile disease, heatstroke, high fever without sweating, headache, coma, convulsion, malarial disease. Excess energy in the upper body, cannot sleep, nervous fever, body burning, agitation; vertigo, fainting. Acute congestion of the eye, acute pain; conjunctivitis; blurred vision; keratitis; deafness, tinnitus. Troubles with throat; the tongue curls up, gets rigid, lacks flexibility; sore throat, painful obstruction of the throat, tonsillitis, dry mouth, parched lips; stuttering, any disorder of speech and tongue – (this point has a tremendous effect on these disorders). Coldness, rigidity, troubles with articulation at the elbow, wrist, unable to raise forearm, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, pain in the shoulder and arm. Vomiting with empty stomach; anorexia? Pain or weakness in the course of the triple burner channel. Bleed this point in combination with LU-11 for the following conditions: numbness of the throat; inflammation or obstruction of the throat; tongue curled up; erosion on the surface of the tongue; small ulcers at the outer corners of the mouth; parched lips. ---------- TH-2 (Ye Men) Location: Btw 4th & 5th fingers, proximal to margin of web, (fist clenched). This point is the water within the fire, it effects our ability to be fluid and yielding, to be expansive as appropriate and withdraw when necessary. Many illnesses effect movement. On the mental and Spiritual level this can be seen in our relationships and our enthusiasm for life. The gate may not close properly: flooded with associations, emotional turbulence, distracted or carried away by life and not in control; mind wandering with loss of stability (not madness). In other cases a lack of fluid may be the cause of disharmony, the gate needs to be opened so that the patient can feel a sense of flow, a movement along with the world. Go with the flow. This point can adjust the fire and provide communication at many levels. Good on a mental level for the person who is rigid and not flowing. This is a point which has particular effects on secretions, hormonal secretions, it is the sluice gate for secretions. On a physical level this can be understood as sweating or shivering which can regulate the heat in the body. Movements may be physically restricted, we may seize up, or dry up, our shoulders, elbows and wrists may be unable to exchange loving embraces, or water may not be controlling fire resulting in volatile hot tempered outbursts. Frenetic speech, excited to the point of insanity; hot or cold from shock or emotional agitation, deranged mind. Clears heat, dispels wind, moistens dryness. Febrile diseases, Wind and heat. Congestion of the face and head. Treatment for excess or deficient fluid: swollen limbs, painful swollen articulations; problems in the synovial fluid. Ear problems due to liver and gallbladder fire or damp heat; ear infections, ear pain; acute otitis media, buzzing, violent or sudden deafness; fluid in the ears, whooshing tinnitus. Throat soreness, dryness and swelling; inflammation of the parotid or submaxillary glands; mouth, gums inflamed; tooth pain, inflammation, caries. Eyes, painful reddening of the eyes; cataract, keratitis. Headache, vertigo, fainting. Pain of the arm and hand, local pain. Malaria. Hands and feet cold, or hot swollen and painful. ---------- TH-3 (Zhong Zhu) Location: Dorsum of hand proximal to the heads of the 4th and 5th metacarpals, in the depression btw 4th & 5th metacarpals. The image given here is an island built with materials accumulated in the course of a river. The island constantly changes as the river deposits and erodes material. The continuity of our personality is simply the construct of our mind as it works to make sense of our experiences. This is a superior point to use for building up or balancing the fire. Support for planning and decision making, acting on the level of the mind to organize experience and clarify relationships. Many people are unclear of what they are looking for, they have no roots to hold the soil in place. The turmoil of the river disturbs them, they feel helpless for what to do as circumstances change; when there is a storm they are simply washed away. People will often become depressed when they lack a clear sense of their own identity. When someone is losing ground simply trying to keep their head above water can be exhausting. It is a part of human nature to seek a connection to something higher, when we are aware of how we are supported by Spirit the whole dynamic of the way we relate to life is transformed. Working within the context of our life we must satisfy our essential need for recognition. This point increases the energy available for action in the world, and helps the liver function on all levels; works to eliminate toxins from the body and mind. The wood element has a strong connection to the muscle and sinews of the body, and the articulation of movement. This is a good place to treat someone who has problems, physical or spiritual, with grasping things, or with the coordination of movements. Good combination point for treatment strategies which involve the gallbladder channel. Related to HT-8 which is directly underneath on the palm of the hand, you can connect them together with the needle. Opens sensory orifices i.e. increases awareness. Also a good point for stagnation or pain along the course of the channel. Often such pain is related to a person’s troubled relations with others. Clears heat; expels wind; benefits the ear; removes obstructions from the channel; regulates energy. A major point for eye and ear problems: conjunctivitis; blurred vision; corneal opacity, foggy vision; cataract; keratitis. Chronic otitis media; ear pain- disperse; hears badly, blocked ears, deafness and tinnitus: tonify. Fever with sweating, dizziness, headache, nasal congestion, sore dry throat, irritation, pain or itching; painful obstruction of the throat; absence of sweating in heat diseases; malaria. Triple burner channel problems, local pain; numbness in the fingers, inability to bend or stretch fingers; shoulder pain; pain in the spine, (neck problems); intercostal neuralgia, hypochondriac pain; move stagnant liver energy. ----------- TH-4 (Yang Chi) Location: Junction ulna & carpal bones, depression on the ulnar side of extensor digitorum, (btw extensor digitorum and extensor digiti minimi). Through movement and exchange we are able to communicate – there must be a balance, harmony, warmth, and stillness. When the nervous system is excess because of stress there is energy running in the system which needs direction and integration, use this point to circulate this through the channels for redistribution. Or as is sometimes the case in deficient persons it may be needed to gather the available resources together for treatment. Dispels wind, clears fire and heat; relaxes sinews; removes obstructions from the channel; benefits the ear; promotes fluids transformation. The triple energizer is the pathway of transformation and distribution of energies throughout the body: the source point of the triple energizer can treat problems related to the distribution of energies; balance. Fatigue; common cold; uncomfortable sensations in the chest. Malaise and agitation; heat of the body without fever, fever without sweats, intermittent fever, flu; malaria. Thirst, dry mouth; diabetes? Deafness and tinnitus, thirst and retention of urine. Pain in the wrist, arm and shoulder, inability to grasp and hold objects, to raise the shoulders and arms, to grasp or bend fingers. Rheumatism, especially in wrist, hand. Stimulates thyroid gland for the treatment of thyroid imbalances. Reducing high blood pressure. May be useful to moxa when blood pressure needs to be raised. Forbidden after 3rd month of pregnancy. ------------- TH-5 (Wai Guan) Location: 2″ proximal to the wrist, btw radius and ulna, radial side of ext. digitorum tendon. It is through our interactions with the world around us that we widen our horizons and cultivate a more complete understanding. This point can be helpful in all matters which relate to the way in which we are connected to the world outside, the way in which we reach out and make connections with others. Good for the person who has troubled relationships. A useful point for regulation of the fire in social relations, allowing the Love to be shared in an appropriate way; vents internal pressures. Has a big effect on all the senses for those who don’t want to see hear know. There needs to be a correspondence between the inner experience and the outer world of circumstances, the way things manifest in our lives. Does the face we present to the world express what we are feeling, and the person we wish to be? There needs to be clarity about our intentions if we assume responsibility for things which are larger than ourselves, social responsibility. The consequences of dishonesty are painful. Does the patient feel that they are in alignment with their inner self, or have they strayed through influence or pressure from others into a life situation which does not feel right? This point can help with conditions which are the expression of a conflict between the inner and outer worlds. Opening things up in order to resolve differences, especially in the person who is mentally shutting the gate, refusing to relate, does not want to know or hear. TB-5 and PC-6 work well together, one point on each arm according to the difficulty. Problems which arise from a lack of warmth in relationships, instability in relationships; regulates the outflow of energies. For people who jump into relationship, looking for excitement as opposed to intimacy. All manner of difficulties which arise when “other people” are the problem. Mental instability, excess internal pressures; suicidal tendencies; difficulty with others results in a pain in the guts. Migraine, irritability, touchy tense impatient. Feeling of unreality, alienation, uncertainty. Violent fear. Helpful in childbirth. relieves exterior conditions, clears heat. Triple energizer channel problems, gallbladder and liver problems, regulates the sides of the body, sides of the head. Moves energy, reduces stagnation, mitigates the effects of stress, muscle tension. All trouble from external events, heat, or from changes of weather. Febrile disease, fever due to invasion of exogenous pathogenic factors – EPI; common cold with fever, alternate fever and chills; headache, neck stiffness; pneumonia; congestive eruptions; mumps; chronic coryza. Chest and hypochondriac pain, severe abdominal pain and cramps; ulcers; nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and constipation. Hypertension; blood pressure high or low, headache, migraine; pain, neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia; deafness, tinnitus. Shoulder pain and stiffness; strained neck; inhibited bending and stretching of the arm, pain in the fingers; bones and muscles painful, stiff. Motor problems of the elbow, arm, hand tremors; infantile paralysis, convulsions. Weakness, loss of vitality, rheumatism, loss of strength: tonify. Stimulates thyroid; normalizes excess of gonadotropins? Eye troubles, swelling, (glaucoma?). Skin trouble, urticaria. Vertigo.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:49:19 +0000

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