True happiness is not in what you have but in what you can believe - TopicsExpress


True happiness is not in what you have but in what you can believe that you can achieve.. sweetness of life is not measured by what you can feel is cool but in what you believe that is sweet for you.. choices are not meant to be made by omission or commission, it should be made by clear minds with calm spirits... opportunity only exist to them who knows that tomorrow must be better than today.. any man who lives in past glory will not savour the potencies of latter rain... impossibility is a word that exist in the mind of people with limited mindset.. people who value the power of there today will work as if tomorrow is never coming, such dont have time for frivolities and unproductive exercises.. people who kept waiting for the day to break can be termed patient but in the mind of people who tries to beat the time, it is called laziness amounting to procrastination... your schooling does not make you educated... your numerous archives does not mean you know a lot... a man with multiple inspiration speaks diversely.. anointing without money equals humiliation.. money without wisdom equals foolishness.. blessed without a booming bloom equals poverty... many words without a puzzle equals noise making.. an angry man makes terrible mistakes... wisdom is better than knowledge but there cant be wisdom without knowlegde... understanding is the way forward in everything you do.. people who messes good relationship up today because of what they think is better of may need to go back to there lost person but wont find the face to go back.. be at peace with everyone that matters, everyone matters.. smile always.. be a fool sometimes but later, hit them hard with manifold wisdom... wisdom clicks... just typing with my lappy as the inspiration am having now is too much.. i am drunk with wisdom, i can go on and on talking wisdom... wisdom is my second name but people know me as the gentle fresh dew... I AM FRESH DEW+
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:19:15 +0000

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