True story shows why it matters – Reported in one of the - TopicsExpress


True story shows why it matters – Reported in one of the American Magazine But Dad, Which One is Gods Word? Please turn in your Bibles to... The pastor began his sermon. One could hear pages turning all over the building. One father watched his son, barely 9 years old, proudly open his Bible. His father had told him, Make a habit of knowing Gods Word for yourself. Never take mans word for what it says. Read it yourself. The Words Didnt Match But as the pastor began reading, something was very wrong! The youngster checked to be sure he had the right verse. Yes, thats the one. But the words didnt match! The pastor was reading from a new translation and, to those with limited reading ability, it sounded like another book! The boy glanced at his father, made a helpless gesture and closed his Bible. The father stared at his Bible but he wasnt following either. In his mind he was on the way home trying to answer a little boys questions without destroying his respect for his pastor or the Word of God. Which words were really Gods words, after all? he wondered. All over the auditorium, Bibles could be heard closing. The Word, for which so many had died, would go unread by the people. Instead, they would receive it from the lips of the holy man, who understood which words were really Gods. An overreaction? Maybe. That is, if one accepts the notion that the professional clergy know best about spiritual matters, and are the only ones who can be trusted to find truth. As more and more Bible translations are published, fewer people preach the Word with confidence. One says it one way. Another says, I like mine better. It says... But what does God say? Can we really choose a Bible which says what we want it to say, and still take it seriously as the Word of God? Modern translations rely upon a Greek text which rests largely on two Catholic manuscripts. One of them is so pathetically marked up with corrections it finally ended up in the trash, where it was found. Now tell me ? Which Bible is a complete God words please? Why? 1) Ethiopian Orthodox with 81 Books 2) Catholic with 73 Books 3) Protestant with 66 Books Leave alone the discrepancy and contradiction in it Which Bible? We hear, the bible contains o 66 books in the protestant version, o 73 in the Catholic version o 86 books in the orthodox version & o 76 books in the charismatic version So we ask: 1. Which bible should we read? The bible, consisting 66, 73, 76 or 86 books? 2. Are they all complete word of GOD? 3. Which bible is world of GOD & Why? Who Wrote The Bible??? CE= Christian era i.e. After Jesus 40-45 CE Letters of Paul 325 CE -Council of Nicaea- Organized by Roman Emperor Constantine. The Emperor was from a Pagan background and favored the Trinitarian view of Christianity. 1000 CE – Western and Eastern Church broke off- ‘The Great Schism’ Western Church: Catholic churches & Eastern Church: Eastern Orthodox Church 1600 CE – Protestants broke off- led by Martin Luther and John Calvin. 1611 CE – King James Version of the Bible was made- most widely used today. 1952 CE – Major revision of the King James Bible was made because of its great errors. Overview of the Bible Bible divided into The Old Testament containing the books before Jesus and The New Testament which is about Jesus and that which came after. The Oldest New Testament available dates back to three hundred years after Jesus! Bible not available in the language of Jesus (Aramaic) - oldest New Testament is in Greek. Old Testament – 39 Books The first five books – Pentateuch (Torah, according to the Jews.) New Testament – 27 Books The first four are called Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) Protestant Bible-King James’s Version- 66 Books(39+27) Catholic Bible-Douay Version 73 Books (7 extra books – Apocrypha= doubtful) Words NOT found in the Bible: Bible, Trinity! Translations were written in Greek many years after the preaching of Jesus in Aramaic. Those book are not verses of God as it is just words by humans explaining quotes from Jesus thus making those books non-divine entirely. Words are changed and nobody in history memorized the true preaching of Jesus as well as the unexplained years gap. No gospels out of hundreds are identical. Thats why bible scholars and priests worldwide embrace Islam after studying Quran. Praise Almighty Allah. Quran also proves that : Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason (Quran 8-22) And among them are those who listen to you. But can you cause the deaf to hear [i.e., benefit from this hearing], although they will not use reason? (Quran 10-42 ) And it is not for a soul [i.e., anyone] to believe except by permission of Allah, and He will place defilement upon those who will not use reason (Quran 10-100) O my people, I do not ask you for it [i.e., my advice] any reward. My reward is only from the one who created me. Then will you not reason? (Quran 11-51 ) Uff to you and to what you worship instead of Allah. Then will you not use reason? (Quran 21-67 ) And We sent not before you [as messengers] except men to whom We revealed from among the people of cities. So have they not traveled through the earth and observed how was the end of those before them? And the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah; then will you not reason (Quran12-109 ) Say[O Muhammad]: I am no bringer of new-fangled doctrine among the messengers, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I follow but that which is revealed to me by inspiration; I am but a Warner open and clear.(quran 46-9) Do you order righteousness of the people and forget yourselves while you recite the Scripture? Then will you not reason? (Quran 2-44 )
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:20:20 +0000

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