Truth About Soy.. In The US. Most of the soy produced in U.S. - TopicsExpress


Truth About Soy.. In The US. Most of the soy produced in U.S. is used to make soy meal and soybean oil. These are everywhere. Soybean oil makes up one out of every 10 calories you eat in this country. That’s important… because processing soy increases its estrogenic effect. This can turn a man into a woman. And it can wreck a woman’s hormone balance. Even worse, manufacturers use a toxic chemical called hexane to process the soy. This is the same substance that makes gasoline explode. Hexane fumes go straight to your brain and cause damage almost immediately. And it acts as an alien estrogen that multiplies the estrogenic effect further. Monsanto and other corporations have tried to convince you for years that the processed genetically modified soy product they put in your food is “healthy.” But Monsanto’s franken-soy isn’t Nature’s soy. The Japanese eat Nature’s soy. They don’t even allow genetically modified soy into their country. And they don’t process it. Their soy foods are made through natural fermentation. They soak the beans, steam them, let them ferment, and then throw away the husks and the residue. The Chinese have also been doing this for thousands of years. They discovered that mashing up soybeans and mixing them with certain minerals would make a sort of curd… now known as tofu. They also know what Monsanto doesn’t want you to know: It’s unhealthy to eat unfermented soybeans. They have huge amounts of natural toxins that block food digestion and absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. Modern science backs up their knowledge. Science has found that non-fermented soy can depress thyroid function, stunt growth, and cause blood clotting. But Monsanto and Big Agra have spent billions to blind us to these effects. Instead, they tell you how “nutritious” their soy products are. Except that the truth is, the soy you find in processed food is genetically modified, nutritionally worthless, and dangerous. Food manufacturers process soy with hexane because it’s cheap. They take whole soybeans and soak them in big vats of toxic soup until the soybeans dissolve. Then they use it to make the “natural” soy foods you’ve been led to believe are healthy. Hexane is so toxic, the EPA has it listed as a hazardous chemical that causes cancer and birth defects. If you work around hexane, there are strict limits to your exposure. If it touches your skin, it can cause blisters. If you breathe it, you’re disoriented within 10 minutes. If you’re around it long enough, you might even up with permanent nerve damage or Parkinson’s disease. An independent lab found levels of hexane residue as high as 21 parts per million in soy oil, soy grits, and soy meal. Yet the FDA doesn’t require testing for hexane on any of your food or in baby formula. And you can’t get away from hexane by switching to another grain … hexane is also used on corn, rice, and other grains. Some foods with this stuff in them are probably in your kitchen cupboard right now. And they sound healthy because they say “Natural” on the label. Plus, processed soy can hide in foods you’d never suspect. Like hamburger buns, mayonnaise, and coffee creamer. One of the most-asked questions I get from readers through e-mail and even on my Facebook page is, “What can I do to keep this stuff out of my kitchen?” Here’s what I tell them: 1. First, I recommend you avoid all non-organic corn, soy, and canola products. They are almost all genetically modified at this point. 2. Check for hidden soy. If you find things like texturized vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, or soy isolate, you know hexane-processed soy is lurking. 3. Eat organic. Hexane is banned from organic-food processing. So, look for a green seal that says, “USDA Organic.” If you see that seal, you know your food doesn’t contain hexane residue. And don’t be fooled by a “Made with organic ingredients” label. Those foods only have to be made with 70% organic ingredients. So, more than likely, they contain hexane-processed soy. To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD Editor’s Note: The big food manufacturers are up to more tricks than just hiding toxic soy in your food… they’re sneaking even more chemicals into your food… and no one at the EPA or FDA is testing for them! No one else is talking about this, but these hormone-disruptors are leaching into your food.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 00:55:03 +0000

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