Truth Is to Be Experienced When He had stopped speaking , He said - TopicsExpress


Truth Is to Be Experienced When He had stopped speaking , He said to Simon, Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch Luke 5:4 When Christ teaches you something about Himsellf, Implements it into your life through experiences . As the crowds gathered around , Jesus chose to board Peters boat and teach the people from there. All day long Peter sat in the boat listening to Jesus teach the multitudes . At close of His discourse , Jesus allowed Peter to experience the reality of what He had just been teaching the crowd. The crowd had heard the truth , but Peter was to experience it. Jesus put His teaching into language a fisherman could understand. He told Peter to put out his nets into the deep water. Peter hesitated , Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing. He was tired . He probably was not expecting a dramatic encounter with God at a time like that. Yet , as Peter obeyed Jesus , he pulled in such a miraculous catch of fish that his boat almost sank! Peter was filled with amazement and recognized that he had just experienced the power of God( Luke5:4-11). He learned that with a command from Jesus , he could do anything . Thus , Jesus was able to reorder Peters priorities from catching fish to catching men(Luke4:10). Peters obedience led to a dramatic new insight into the person of Jesus . This was an invitation to walk with Jesus in an even more intimate and powerful way. God does not want you to merely gain intellectual knowledge of truth . He wants you to experience His truth . There are things about Jesus you will learn only as you obey Him. Your obedience will then lead to greater revelation and opportunities for service.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:26:05 +0000

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