Truth with Grace It only takes 1295 of us working together with - TopicsExpress


Truth with Grace It only takes 1295 of us working together with positive mutual agreement and purpose Okay, all you skeptics and scaredy cats. One hundred times on the board after school today. There is life on Mars and I will not be a-scared of it... There is life on Mars and I will not be a-scared of it... There is life on Mars and I will not be a-scared of it... -- Andrew D. Basiago, mystified and amazed at the depth of fear of life on Mars that has crept into the human unconscious after 11,500 years of separation from our closest neighboring planet Mars Gregory Myskos challenging comments to the above post are most fair and reasonable, necessary, productive and respectful. He is asking and/or stating exactly what must be said. All he is stating is the old adage big claims require big proof. We can deal with this. The establishment media, I believe will attempt to deal with Andy 2016, a campaign I fully endorse and support, in planned stages: (1) First to ignore Andy 2016 .... as long as they can. (2) Second to debunk and distract Andy 2016 .... theres lots of distracting news. (3) Third to compete with Andy 2016 .... Hillary keeps an open mind on the likelihood we are not alone. Michio Kaku, my 30-year old science enthusiast son points out, is the guy vested with the unwritten corporate establishment authority to push the scientific envelope. Hes the current go-to guy for cutting edge for our popular view of science. Hes not the only one of course, but he currently sits in what I call The science-Popal chair of infallibility. He will likely attempt to dodge the bullet of commenting on everyones claims by indirectly lending support to the controlled establishment media. For example, Michio Kaku when directly asked to comment on Hillarys open mind on the likelihood we are not alone.... might reasonably reply by briefly citing Drakes Formula for the probability of exo-planetary life and then updating Drakess Formula by imputing updated data for Drakes variables ... the latest count of M-Class planets thought to be found. Michio would then seem to support open mind thinking without taking political sides. Again, this was only an example. Andy 2016s challenge Is to expect and deal with these probable alignments and attacks without negative vengeance. Andy 2016 Time for Truth challenge will be attacked on multiple fronts through out the campaign on 5 pentagrametric shaped fronts: scientific, economic, patriotic, conspiratorial, and religious. Stage 2, goes on even as Stage 3 is in full swing. If I were tasked to overcome the forces of the pentagrametric challenge I think I would shift gears from Time for Truth to a fresh light of Truth with Grace and Love - campaign. The dynamics of the political process is most similar to the dynamics of ancient Gnostic and post-Constantine eras. There is a season. What terrifies the Secret Shadow Government is Andy 2016 appears to be in season, and he is the low hanging fruit that youth and many dogma-tired refugees are able to pick, and likely will pick. Whats even more potent, Andy 2016 is creating its own critical mass of love-warriors attracting cross-religious thinkers of all age groups, religious and spiritual-scientific back grounds, and uniting in singular purpose, not for political vengeance, but for truth with grace. What is truth with grace? When we can collectively answer that question in unity, we fuel Andy 2016 to a victory. Just for the record a collective critical mass has been scientifically demonstrated multiple times, to occur when 1/2 of 1% of the square root of a population focus on a positive, service-to-others in wisdom and love. Another way of stating wisdoms meaning: When what you feel in your heart is joined by your reasoning both in service to yourself and aligns in service to others whom you serve openly, truthfully and transparently in their best interests. With projected US population of 335,000,000 in 2016, critical mass of unity is: 1,295 conscious souls. tinyurl/22wowwz Rich
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:08:18 +0000

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